Warm invitation from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan!
International Exposure
Bersama ini kami sampaikan Edaran/Pengumuman Pendaftaran Bantuan Program Transfer Kredit Luar Negeri dari Ditjen Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi terkait pembukaan pendaftaran proposal program bantuan dana tersebut. Program ini menawarkan beasiswa penuh bagi mahasiswa untuk jenjang S1 dan S2 yang akan melaksanakan program pertukaran (exchange program) ke mitra luar negeri Universitas asal.
Greetings from Kasetsart University, Thailand!
Greetings from Leipzig University, Germany!
Greetings from Nanjing University!
Interested in volunteerism? Check this out!
KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) was established as a governmental agency dedicated to providing grant aid programs of the Korean government. KOICA endeavours to provide aid in accordance with the economic, social, and cultural situations of every developing country in order to achieve sustainable development.
A call for environment and sustainability enthusiast!
Warm greetings from Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan!
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