Kanazawa University is a leading university on the Sea of Japan coast. The University has significantly contributed to Japanese higher education and academic research since it was founded in 1949. One of the University’s charms lies in studying in Kanazawa, a city rich in history and traditional culture. Kanazawa has cultivated a respected intellectual profile since the time of the Kaga fiefdom (1598 – 1867). Lively interaction among students, communication with staff, and the local community make it the perfect venue for personal growth and development.
We are pleased to inform you that the application for Japanese Language and Culture Program at Kanazawa University (previously called Program B) 2023 is now open.
The Japanese Language & Culture Program at Kanazawa University is a one-year program entirely taught in Japanese, designed to improve the language ability of students as well as deepen their understanding of Japanese society and culture.
The application guidelines, required formats and Course Guide are also available from the URL below.
- Enrolled in Universitas Gadjah Mada during the program
- Applicants generally must have been born between April 2, 1993 and April 1, 2005.
- Undergraduate student majoring in Japanese language or Japanese culture
- Students must have passed JLPT N2 (or N1) or considered to be at the same level as N1 by the accepting university
Scholarship Coverage
- Monthly allowance 117,000 yen
- Travel expenses
- Tuition fee
Required Documents
- Application packages
- Application for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship
(Before filling in, please print two pages on one sheet, i.e. p.1 on one side and p.2 on the other side / p.3 on
one side and p.4 on the other side. Please fill it out as much as possible in Japanese.) - Essay: Written by the applicant in only Japanese (about 1000~1200 letters) with the theme “The outline of
the research plan in Japan”「日本で研究してみたいテーマ」 - Applicant’s ID Photo in JPEG or other digital format (4.5×3.5cm; upper front figure without a hat; taken
within the past 6 months) A photograph should be pasted on the application form. Nationality and name
must be indicated on the reverse side. - Certificate of Enrollment issued by the applicant’s home institution
- Official transcript (academic record) issued by the applicant’s home institution
(In case the academic record is not in a 100 point scale, please indicate a record of evaluation in a 100 point
scale. Also, please mark (put a check(✓ )) the subjects concerning Japanese and Japanese
culture.) - Recommendation [find in application packages] from the university president or dean of the applicant’s home institution
addressed to the President of Kanazawa University - Photocopy of the applicant’s passport (If unavailable at the time of application, please submit a photocopy of
the birth certificate or the certificate of citizenship in the applicant’s home country along with a translation in
Japanese or English.) - Pledge [find in application packages]
- Photocopy of the Certificate of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test and the result sheet
(For those who hold the certificate of the test Level 1, 2 or N1, N2 only.) - Letter of Nomination from faculty (*addressed to Head of Office of International Affairs)
- Confirmation Letter of Participation (download)
Application Procedure
- Submit the aforementioned documents to UGM International Exposure Application Form: http://ugm.id/IntExposureApplication no later than March 1, 2023, for internal review. Please keep the hard file documents with you.
- OIA staff will evaluate your application. Once you are selected as a Nominated Applicant, OIA will confirm your official nomination to Kanazawa University and you may proceed to the application.
- The FINAL decision is from Kanazawa University and from MEXT.
Consultation Info
- If you have any questions regarding this outgoing program, you can contact us in OIA’s office hour:
- Email: scholarship@ugm.ac.id
- Sync consultation: ugm.id/AppointmentOIAUGM
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