Calling for Participants!
Dr. Gerald Reisinger (President/CEO of UASUA), Ing. DI (FH) Werner Pamminger, MBA. (CEO of Business Development of UASUA), Prof. Dr. Peter Kremser (Representative in Indonesia of UASUA), and Dr. Marc Peeters (owner of BNV) paid a visit to UGM on Friday, July 14, 2023. They were cordially welcomed by Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, S.E., M.M., Vice Rector for Research, Business Development and Partnerships, Prof. Dr. Puji Astuti, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt., Director of Partnerships and Global Relations, and representatives from Vocational School, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Agrotechnology Innovation Center, Biotechnology Study Center, Biotechnology Study Program, and Directorate of Research and Community Service.
Greetings from the International Relations Centre (UKM Global), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)!
Greetings from Nara Women’s University!
Greetings from California State University Northridge!
Warm greetings from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)!
Greetings from the British Council Indonesia!
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is one of the ASEAN University Network Board of Trustees (AUN-BOT) and being part of this network since it was formed in 1995. The AUN was established to address the need for the region to quickly develop a regional identity and solidarity while promoting the fostering of ASEAN talents by creating a platform to allow the region’s leading higher institutions to collaborate. Being one the AUN-BOT, the UGM’s Rector and university leaderships always attend the AUN Rectors’ Meeting and AUN BOT Meeting to share thoughts and insight with other members towards giving a contribution to the region’s development. The strong commitment of UGM in the network is also seen in joining most of the AUN Thematic Networks like AUN-QA, AUN-BE, AUN/SEED-Net, AUN-HRE, AUN-USR&S, AUN-ACT, AUN-EEC and many more.
Warm greetings from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Beppu, Japan!
Warmest greetings from Chuo International Center!
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