[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Program Guideline: Concept note_YRS 2017_2018_FIN
Applications: Applications are open for postgraduate students from ProSPER.Net member universities to participate in an interdisciplinary intensive Young Researchers’ School on ‘Sustainable Urban Development for the World’s Megacities’.
Resource Persons: Sustainability experts from United Nations University – Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability and ProSPER.Net member universities will coordinate lectures, group work, and other activities.
Aims: Participants in the Young Researchers’ School will:
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Okazaki Kaheita International Scholarship Foundation (The Foundation) was established in March 1990 to contribute to world peace and development by fostering people from the People’s Republic of China and other countries in Asia. This foundation strives to promote mutual understanding and international exchange as well as to pay homage to and immortalize the spirit of Okazaki Kaheita, a man who worked for mutual understanding, peace, and world friendship.
In order to promote friendship between Japan and Asian countries and to further the personal development of people in these countries, the foundation provides scholarships to students from Asian countries who wish to study in graduate schools in Japan.
Program brochure: 2019INDONESIA(English)REV
<The applicant must submit the application form through the university which is appointed by the Foundation. Each application must contact to those university. He/She can not apply individually.>
1. Applicant and Fields of Study
The applicant shall be qualified to purse a course of study and research, with Japanese as the medium of instruction, in a master’s course at a Japanese university.
The applicant shall be free to choose his/her own field of study, excluding medicine, dentistry and veterinary science.
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
We are pleased to inform you that Yokohama National University is now looking for researchers who want to enter its graduate schools as doctoral students in October 2018 or April 2019 under the Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support (GDACS), which is a doctoral program for faculty members of universities in the emerging nations.
Under this program, the applicants do not need to travel to Japan for screening, the application fee is free, and admission and tuition fees are exempted. In addition, successful applicants with high academic performance will be awarded a monthly scholarship of 150,000 yen (estimated.) The scholarship awardees will be notified at the announcement of the selection results.
We are sending a set of required documents as attachments. We would appreciate it, if you could use these documents and inform your faculty members of the program.
The application guidelines and other documents can also be downloaded from the website below.
English: http://www.ynu.ac.jp/english/campus/expense/academic.html
Japanese: http://www.ynu.ac.jp/international/accept/academic.html
Note: The Application deadline is 4 January 2018.
Also, the website “Why Study at YNU?” below will provide you with the advantages of choosing our university:
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology was founded on August1, 1974, as the National Taiwan Institute of Technology (NTIT). It was the first higher education institution of its kind within our nation’s technical and vocational education system. By extending this system to the highest level, this new school was intended to meet the need created by our rapid economic and industrial development for highly trained bachelor’s degree-level engineers and managers. In 1979 and 1982, NTIT added master’s and doctoral programs, respectively.
ACP off campus UNILA
[This program is self-funded]
Hokkaido University is one of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious universities in Japan. Boasting the largest number of faculties of Japan’s national universities, we cover almost all areas of the humanities and social and natural sciences and are leader in research activities in Japan and the world. Our alumni include a Nobel laureate, business leaders, research pioneers, artists and writers.
We have several Hokkaido University Exchange Programs 2018-2019, you can find the information here: https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/prospective-students/exchange-student-admissions/ or download our program brochure: Student exchange program 2018-2019 (2017.12.8ver.)
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Kyushu University was founded in 1911 and has grown to be one of the most prestigious universities in Japan. At present, there are 11 undergraduate schools, 18 graduate schools, 3 research institutes, and a hospital. Approximately 19,000 students and 2,200 faculty members are engaged in study and/or research at the University. Kyushu University is located in Fukuoka, gateway of Kyushu. Geographically and historically, the city is close to other parts of Asia, so we have been aiming to be the “University opened to Asia” from the beginning. Also, a new main campus, in Ito opened in 2005, where some departments have begun its activities.
Program brochure: 【Kyushu University】
[This program is self-funded]
In this program, Southeast Asian students from ACP consortium universities learn together about various concepts related to “Safety and Reliability.” Hyogo Prefecture in Japan is known as its fast big disaster area blown by a gigantic earthquake directly below the big modern city of Kobe, “The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake” in 1995. Hyogo Prefecture has been being the center of experience and knowledge of “safety management” in terms of disaster prevention and mitigation ever since. National and international organizations and institutions accumulate at “HAT Kobe” area and many scholars, researchers, administrators and students etc. from all over the world visit and study there.
Program Brochure: ACP Off-Campus program(1)
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
“Ernst Mach Grant – ASEA-UNINET” financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW).
Please be informed that the online application for the Ernst Mach-Grants 2018 is NOW open!
The closing date for application is March 31st 2018!
On behalf of the Austrian National Division of the ASEAN- University Network, I kindly ask you to please distribute this information as widely as possible and especially among all potential candidates in your institution and beyond. Please also note that this grant is not limited to ASEA-UNINET member universities and thus students from all universities in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam are welcome to apply for the grant!
Under this grant we offer four different types of scholarships:
à Post-doc Grants (research grants)
Duration: 3 – 9 months
Grant benefit: 1,150 euros
à PhD-Grants
Grant for a complete PhD programme in Austria
Duration: 36 months
Grant benefit: 1,050 euros
à Sandwich-Grants
Grant for a partial study period during a PhD programme in Austria
Duration: 9 months
Grant benefit: 1,050 euros
à Music-Grants
Duration: max. 9 months
Grant benefit: 1,050 euros
Additionally, scholarship holders receive a travel cost subsidy of max. 730 euros.
è Applications are open to postgraduates who have obtained a master degree (including master thesis) or a doctoral degree (or equivalent degree) in various fields (including e.g. Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Human Medicine, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities Arts) as well as to graduates in the field of music.
è The selection of the candidates takes place locally by Austrian university professors.
è Candidates are strongly advised to contact potential host professors in Austria as soon as possible, in order to elaborate a detailed and convincing research proposal for the application!
For further application requirements & the application process please see:
è Attached information sheet INFO – Ernst Mach-Grant ASEA-UNINET
è ASEA-Uninet Website: http://asea-uninet.org/scholarships-grants/ernst-mach-grant-emg/
è OeAD website: http://oead.grants.at/out/default.aspx?TemplateGroupID=34&PageMode=3&GrainEntryID=14014&HZGID=14909&LangID=2
è Applications are accepted ONLY via the online-application tool, www.scholarships.at .
[This program is self-funded]
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