[Fee Waiver Scholarship (Partial)]
[This program is self-funded]
Warm greetings; From the Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito we would like to inform you that we are currently accepting applications from exchange students for the second semester of 2019 (August to December) as well as our summer school programmes (May to July). We invite your students, professors, and researchers to explore the mobility programs that we offer. Attached to this email, you will find our “Mobility Guide” and an electronic invitation. We are asking that you please share this information with your academic community as soon as possible. The guide includes all of the information about the application process and necessary documents. Mobility Guide 2019-ii Guia Movilidad 2019-ii Convocatoria Digital 2019-ii English Convocatoria Digital 2019-ii Español Keep in mind that professors and students can complete a research project with no Spanish abilities, however, for the exchange programs a minimum level of B1 is required. The Escuela strongly values the generation of inter-institutional ties and collaboration that strengthen the quality of education and research among other academic activities. For this reason, a pre-existing institutional agreement is not necessary to participate in a mobility program.[This program is self-funded]
Dear Students, Greetings. I am pleased to inform you that the electronic versions of 2019 Inha Summer School brochure and poster are available now. Enclosed please find the brochure and poster files. I will also send them out by post as well. 2019 INHA SUMMER SCHOOL POSTER 2019 INHA SUMMER SCHOOL BROCHURE As you can see in the files, Inha University will offer more K-Pop related courses next year, such as K-pop dance, acting and cinema. Furthermore, if there are 10 students or more coming from your university, each student can pay USD 1,100 only, which includes tuition, 3 week accommodations, breakfast & dinner, field trips, textbook materials and medical insurance etc. (The regular program fee is USD 1,400)REQUIRED DOCUMENTS
- Application form
- Recommendation letter
- Copy of Official Academic Transcript
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation Letter
- Certificate of English language proficiency (Min. Score of TOEFL 530, iBT 80 or IELTS 6.0)
- Certificate of enrollment from faculty
- Letter of Nomination from faculty (*addressed to Head of Office of International Affairs)
- Copy of Passport
- Submit the aforementioned documents to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur F-12) for internal review;
- OIA UGM will evaluate your application;
- Once you are selected as Nominated Student, OIA will send your application to host university;
- FINAL decision from host university
Please send all documents in 2 Hardcopies (1 original and 1 copy) to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur Block F-12) and 1 Softcopy (Scan all applicants’ filled-out application materials in one PDF File) by email to by April 12, 2019.
[This program is self-funded]
Greetings from Tunghai University, Taiwan.
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
[This Program is self funded]
[This Program is self funded]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
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