[Scholarship is offered for this program]
— For graduate students only —
“ASEA-UNINET STUDENTS WEEK” is an academic mobility program, designed to facilitate graduate students from ASEA-UNINET universities’ member to participate on a short program with a duration of 2 weeks (December 3—16, 2017) and earned 3 credits (with 44 contact hours) upon completion.
This program is specifically designed so that the participants not only benefit academically through in class lectures (with multi-disciplinary field of study approach) but also get the opportunity to have an internship or field study and given the exposure of Indonesia culture through the cultural engagement included in the program.
“Sustainable Development”, chosen as the theme of this year program, aims to encourage participants to have broadened intellectual and awareness on the importance of sustainability, which has been a global issue, and challenge faced by modern society.
Universitas Indonesia invites every ASEA-UNINET member university to send 2 (two) graduate students as the representatives from each University to join this program.
The program fee is 380 USD/person including airport transfer on departure and arrival, meals during the program (exclude dinner), program materials, certificate of participation and cultural activities during the program.
Universitas Indonesia is pleased to provide scholarships to those students nominated by ASEA-UNINET member universities in form of:
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Info Session: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam yang akan membahas tentang kesempatan studi maupun tawaran beasiswa di Belanda, khususnya di Amsterdam yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 1 November 2017,
Pukul : 09.00 – 11.00 WIB,
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Info Session: Holland Scholarship yang akan membahas tentang kesempatan studi maupun tawaran beasiswa di Belanda yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari Nuffic Nesob Indonesia.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 1 November 2017,
Pukul : 09.30 – 12.00 WIB,
Tempat : Ruang 2.1, Gedung KPFT Lantai 2, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Tempat terbatas.
Silahkan mendaftar di: tinyurl.com/UGMNov2017
Institute of International Studies dan Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional UGM bekerja sama dengan Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Ambasadorial Lecture oleh HE Yuri O. Thamrin (Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Belgia, Luksemburg, dan Uni Eropa) yang membahas mengenai kerja sama antara Indonesia dan Uni Eropa bertajuk “Dinamika Kemitraan Indonesia-Uni Eropa: Peluang dan Tantangan”
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017,
Pukul : 09.30 – 11.30 WIB,
Tempat : Balai Senat, Gedung Pusat UGM, Lantai 2, Sayap Utara.
Tempat terbatas.
Silahkan mendaftar di: ugm.id/ALUniEropa
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Info Session: Hiroshima University yang akan membahas tentang kesempatan studi maupun tawaran beasiswa di Hiroshima University yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari Universitas tersebut.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017,
Pukul : o9.00 – 10.30 WIB,
Tempat : Sekip Room, UC Hotel, UGM.
Tempat terbatas.
Silahkan mendaftar di: https://tinyurl.com/nin2preevent
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Hitachi Global Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “the Foundation”) offers Research Support Grants (hereinafter referred to as “the grants”) to faculty members of eligible universities in Southeast Asia who wish to conduct research in natural sciences or interdisciplinary research connecting natural sciences and social sciences that contribute to solving social issues at Japanese universities or research institutions.
Application Guidelines: 3. Application Guidelines
Application Packages: Hitachi Scholarship Program 2018 (UGM)
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
– Open for undergraduate, master and doctoral students –
– Credits Transfer System –
The former body of Erasmus+ Exchange program is Erasmus exchange program which is one of most prestigious exchange program in Europe since 1987. After nearly 30 years of implementation, more than 4 million students and staff have benefited from this program. For benefiting the whole world, at the beginning of 2014, ERASMUS program upgraded to ERASMUS+ which combining all the EU’s current schemes for education, training, youth and sport. And beneficial regions covered nearly all over the world, Indonesia is one of the regions included.
Eskişehir Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences, founded in 1958, is the foundation of Anadolu University. The Academy was replaced by Anadolu University in 1982, which has gained a well-deserved place as a modern, dynamic and innovative institution among the largest universities not only in Turkey, but also in the world. Situated in the center of Eskişehir, which is well-known as a city of science, culture and youth, the two campuses house 17 faculties (undergraduate level) three of which offer distance education, 3 applied schools, one of which is of music and drama, 4 vocational schools (associate level), 9 graduate schools – five of which are graduate and postgraduate level, and 30 research centers.
For further information about Anadolu University: http://anadolu.edu.tr/en
List of departments: anadolu-university-faculties-and-departments
[This program is self-funded]
The International Exchange program is available to overseas students of universities with exchange agreement with Flinders University. The program allows eligible students to study a semester or two semesters of their home university degree at Flinders.and currently accepting student nominations and exchange applications for Flinders Semester 1 2018 (February-June 2018).
Program Guideline: http://www.flinders.edu.au/for_international_students_files/exchange/Student%20Exchange%20&%20Student%20Abroad%20Brochure%20final.pdf
Fact Sheet: Flinders Study Abroad Fact Sheet
For further information, please go to: http://www.flinders.edu.au/international-students/student-exchange-study-abroad/inbound/how-to-apply.cfm
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Info Session: Beasiswa ke USA dan Program Lainnya dari Kedubes Amerika di Jakarta yang akan membahas tentang kesempatan studi maupun tawaran beasiswa di Amerika yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari Kedutaan Besar Amerika di Jakarta.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017,
Pukul : 1o.00 – 12.00 WIB,
Tempat : Ruang Multimedia, Gedung Pusat UGM, Lantai 3, Sayap Selatan.
Tempat terbatas.
Silahkan mendaftar di: ugm.id/beasiswaUSA
[This program is self-funded]
Being the oldest university in Taiwan, established since 1895, University of Taipei (UT) with more than a hundred year of history in education has been contributing plentiful influential achievements in the development of the nation. Since its affirmation of reestablishment after August 2013, UT began a significant reform to endeavor for the excellent education with global view, continue to attract top Taiwanese students and international participants in line with our current mission to be a world-class research university. Many alumni from the legacy colleges and graduate schools have been empowered by our education and have become leaders in their area.
UT faculty members have been invited to be Minister of Education, Minister of Sport Affair Council, and President of National Academy for Educational Research, representing UT’s intellectual contribution to national policy of Taiwan. In 2013, UT received award from Springer for the highest viewed publication of the world in 2013, representing the strongest academic impact on international readership, leading ahead the rest of universities in Taiwan. UT Currently offering 56 bachelor, master and doctorate degree programs in 5 colleges. UT values international diversity, which greatly enriches global view of all students and sets a connecting platform of international career development for future leaders. UT seeks to exert far-reaching knowledge impact to the world on fields including art, humanity, science, education, public affair, and sports science.
UT is located in a vibrant international city with two campuses located in the political hub of Taiwan and Tien-Mu neighborhood adjacent to Yangmingshan National Park in Taipei. We are looking forward to strengthen innovation from research in all areas and to contribute more for human wellbeing.
Program Guideline: 106-02臺北市立大學來臺研修生申請申請須知Application Guidelines for Visiting Student in University of Taipei」106.09.30
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