Warm greetings from Sungshin Women’s University in South Korea!
Exchange Program
Warmest greetings from Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan!
Warm greetings from Saitama University, Japan!
Warm Greetings from Meiji University, Japan!
This summer program is designed for students who are interested in Japan but have not yet studied Japanese.
Students will study Japanese culture, history, and society through a variety of lectures conducted in English and on field trips to historic sites and museums.
Students will also experience collaborative research, discussions, and presentations with SWU students in Cross-Cultural Workshops.
The program consists of 2 courses: Japanese Studies and Cross-Cultural Workshop.
Both courses are worth credits, and a certificate will be issued upon completion of the program.
Japanese Studies: 1 credit
Cross-Cultural Workshop: 2 credits
Greetings from Osaka, Japan!
Greetings from Toyo University in Tokyo, Japan!
Warm Greetings from Kyushu University, Japan!
Warm greetings from Kyoto University, Japan!
IMT Nord Europe is a French Graduate School of Engineering affiliated with the Institut Mines-Télécom and a University of Lille partner. IMT Nord Europe, located at Europe’s crossroads between Paris, London, Brussels, and Amsterdam, is a major education player in today’s energy, ecological, digital, and industrial transitions. The diversity of expertise and complementarity of the Institut Mines-Télécom schools ensure that IMT Nord Europe plays a role in a group strategy to respond systemically to the challenges of the 21st century’s major transformations: digital, industrial, energy, and educational.
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