This grant is for three years’ study at a US university to pursue a doctoral degree in any field of study except medical sciences. It is open to applicants who serve as permanent faculty members of state or private universities in Indonesia. In certain cases, grantees can request an exceptional fourth year if a substantial argument for it can be made.
Dear ASEAN Students,
The AC21 Special Project Fund (SPF) was created in order to promote the development of research and educational exchange between AC21 members by providing “seed funding” for a variety of collaborative research projects and activities. Although research collaboration between AC21 members is important, this fund is not intended to support particular or individual research projects. It is awarded to projects that include as many participants as possible. For example, a symposium jointly held by three or more institutions, featuring speakers from these institutions, and open to all AC21 members, as well as to the general public, will serve our goal of internationalization and cooperation between members more effectively compared to simple research projects conducted by one or two individuals per institution.
“Study in the Netherlands at Leiden University”
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
National Central University (NCU) was re-established in Taiwan in 1962 as part of the country´s response to the International Geophysical Year. The school was initially located in Miaoli, but was relocated to Jhongli in 1968, and gradually developed into a comprehensive university. NCU has now become Taiwan´s leading school in the fields of geophysics and space science, and was selected as one of the major research-oriented universities in 2001. It is a first-rate university with solid international qualifications.
Now, NCU would like to give opportunity for International Students who interested to apply application for recruitment of international student, National Central University, Taiwan. The interview will be held on :
Day,date : Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Venue : Room Multimedia 2 , UGM Main Building (3rd Floor, South Wing)
Time : 08.30 WIB
[Partial scholarship is offered for this program (tuition fee waived)]
If going to Japan to study or work is your dream, this event is for you!
Hiroshima University & TOP CAREER from Japan will be holding together a seminar session at Universitas Gajah Mada this November!
[This program is self funded]
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