Greetings from Showa Women’s University!
Short Course
Warm greetings from Radboud University in the Netherlands!
Australia Awards in Indonesia, in collaboration with the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Climate, Renewable Energy and Infrastructure (KINETIK) invites applications for the Australia Awards Short Course on Achieving a Just Energy Transition throughout Indonesia.
Greetings from TUM Asia!
Greetings from Aalto University, Finland!
Greetings from the University of Vienna (Univie), Austria!
Universitas Gadjah Mada invites students to participate in the Socially Innovative Global Classroom: Online (SIGLOC-Online) program hosted by Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan. This fully online, 3-week international program is designed to foster global collaboration and cross-cultural learning — and it’s completely free of charge!
Greetings from the UK!
Greetings from Thailand!
Greetings from UniLaSalle, France !
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