Diumumkan, khususnya bagi calon mahasiswa S2 Prodi Fisika, Prodi Matematika, Prodi Kimia, dan Prodi Ilmu Komputer UGM, mengenai dibukanya Program Gelar Ganda (Double Degree Program – DDP) antara FMIPA UGM dan Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University Japan.
Mahasiswa yang dapat mengikuti program ini adalah Mahasiswa S2 dari Prodi Fisika, Prodi Matematika, Prodi Kimia, dan Prodi Ilmu Komputer UGM Angkatan 2018/2019 yang sudah dinyatakan diterima oleh Direktorat Administrasi Akademik (DAA) UGM. Program Gelar Ganda ini adalah program dalam bidang Master dalam bidang Sains Komputasi. Setelah menyelesaikan program, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan dua ijazah sekaligus, yaitu ijazah S2 dari UGM dan Master of Computational Science dari Kanazawa University Japan.
Program DDP ini berlangsung selama dua tahun perkuliahan (termasuk penyelesaian tesis) dengan setahun perkuliahan di FMIPA UGM dan setahun berikutnya di Kanazawa University Japan. Tersedia beasiswa dengan jumlah terbatas bagi mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat. Periode Pendaftaran: 30 Juli – 03 Agustus 2018
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
We are pleased to inform you that Spring Semester 2019 Admission Guidelines of Special Entrance Examination for Recommended International Students is now available.
Since Fall Semester 2018, we started to send all the relevant information on our website below instead of sending printed materials. Please refer to the website and download the Admission Guidelines and other necessary documents.
http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Gr_s ch/english/eng/index.html
If your student wish to apply for the graduate program, please follow the instructions from page 3 to page 4, and send email to the Graduate School Admissions Group of Kansai University.
We also support students with scholarship, dormitory and so on.
For further details, please refer to the website below.
http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Koku sai/english/from/support.php? id=dorm
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
Berikut adalah daftar Summer Course WCU Universitas Gadjah Mada 2018 yang berisi beragam kursus musim panas di Universitas Gadjah Mada yang bisa diikuti oleh mahasiswa lokal maupun internasional.
Office of International Affairs
DREaM 2018 – Reinventing Education in the Era of Disruption
18 – 31 July 2018
Faculty of Psychology
International Summer Course on Advocacy Skills in Mental Health System Development from Research to Policy
2 – 13 July 2018
Faculty of Cultural Sciences
International Summer School 2018 – Transnational History: Becoming a Cosmopolitan Historian
27 August – 7 September 2018
Biotechnology Study Center
Summer Course on One Health Approach using Molecular Technique for Zoonotic Disease Detection on Komodo and Wildlife
19 – 30 July 2018 (31 July – 3 August 2018 in Labuan Bajo)
Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Traditional Food for Agro-biodiversity, Health & Tourism
23 – 29 July 2018 (with pre-course tasks)
Faculty of Economics and Business
International Week 2018: ASEAN Business Environtment: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in Emerging Market
23 July – 10 August 2018
Faculty of Engineering (Department of Chemical Engineering)
Global Perspective in Bioresource Technology for Water – Food Energy Sustainability
7 – 16 August 2018
Faculty of Geography
Summer Course on Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction in the Tropics Rediscovering DRR in Indonesia
29 July – 10 August 2018
Summer School on Speleology
1 – 15 August 2018
Smart City, Village and Region Summer Course 2018
6 – 15 August 2018
Faculty of Forestry
Forestry Students Summer Course on Silviculture: Rehabilitation for Ecosystem Services and Climate Change Mitigation
30 July – 9 August 2018
Faculty of Biology
Summer Course on Tropical Biodiversity and Sustainable Development
6 – 13 August 2018
Population and Policy Studies Center
International Labour Migration in the Shifting World: New Insights and Policy Challenges
6 -17 August 2018
Faculty of Pharmacy
Summer Course: Translating Jamu, Indonesian Herbal Medicine from Ancient Knowledge to Evidence Based Medicine
5 – 18 August 2018
Faculty of Dentistry
Summer Course in Gerodontology: Sustaining High Quality of Life of Elderly through Multidiciplinary-holistic Dental Care
27 August – 8 September 2018
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
International Summer Course on Social Protection in the Changing Labour Market
17 – 28 September 2018
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing
Summer Course 2018 on Interprofessional Health Care: Health Related Problem in Elderly
29 October – 16 November 2018
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The deadline for Jardine Scholarship will be postponed to
[This program is self-funded]
Hanseo University was established in the year of 1991 under the founding sprites of Creativity, Confidence and Contribution. We grow international leaders according to our founding spirits. Hanseo University started its volunteer activity in 2006 at devastated area in Indonesia by a big earthquake. We are sending 12~15 student volunteers twice a year to Indonesia from 2006, South Africa from 2007, India from 2009 and Kenya from 2017 to let students learn leadership by actual practice as we have contribution in our founding sprit. We also believe by inviting students from our sister universities in those countries where we send our volunteers will make international leaders. The attendees from foreign countries and from Korea will have meaningful activity during the period of HGLC to learn endurance, leadership, and true friendship.
With a mutual desire to promote further cooperation between Indonesia and Republic of Korea, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Hanseo University, we invite 5 students and 2 staffs for the purpose of understanding academic and cultural exchange.
You can download the flyer from Flyer HGLC
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Universität Leipzig is international. Around 28.500 students from Germany and all over the world are enrolled in a degree programme at the second eldest university in Germany. True to the maxim ‘A Tradition of Crossing Boundaries’ our Alma mater Lipsiensis maintains a great variety of successful international partnerships. The more than 2.800 foreign students are an essential part of the internationalscholarly discourse and a greatsupport for the development of the university into an academic institution beyond boundaries. The Universität Leipzig is all about innovation, interdisciplinarity, and – having 14 faculties – offers a wide range of study and research options. The Universität Leipzig was the “cradle” of many important figures in the fields of philosophy, music, literature, natural and social sciences as well as politics. Nietzsche gained his basic knowledge in philosophy at the Universität Leipzig from 1865 onwards, Wagner’s talent for music was nurtured and broadened here, and Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria, the first female President of Chile, started her career in Leipzig pursuing a degree in German and Medical Studies. The Universität Leipzig would be elated to support you on your way.
THE STUDY SYSTEM follows a three-tier scheme: A three-year Bachelor’s degree prepares students for their future professional careers. Hereafter, a two-year Master’s degree enables students to specialise in certain academic fields. The specific methodological skills gained therein, can then be applied in possible research projects within a three-year Doctorate programme. THE STU DY SYSTEM is structured in a sequence of semesters. Classes are organised as thematic packages, called “modules”. Modules can be lectures, seminars, internships, or project based work. They are each completed by exams. For every successfully completed module, students are usually awarded 10 credits. Aside from specialised knowledge, students can also acquire key qualifications, such as methodological or soft skills. Per semester, students need to achieve a total of 30 credits corresponding to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The individual academic schedules can be organised by choosing courses from a module catalogue.
[This program is self-funded]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
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