[This program is self funded]
[This Program is Self Funded]
[This program is self-funded]
Hanyang University is happy to inform you that we will begin accepting your nominations for 2019 spring semester. This instruction only applies to 2019 spring nominations as we are not yet ready to receive nominations for future semesters.
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
[This program is self funded]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
1. Implementation Guidance
For more information please visit: https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/study_j/event/2018/indonesia.html
Organized by ASEAN-Korea Centre and ASEAN University Network (AUN)
Supported by ASEAN Secretariat, ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Seoul National University Asia Center, Chulalongkorn University ASEAN Studies Center
With the beginning of sectoral dialogue partnership in 1989, ASEAN and Korea have become strong partners in all aspects of political-security, economy and socio-culture. ASEAN is Korea’s 2nd largest trading partner and 3rd largest investment destination, while Korea is ASEAN’s fifth largest partner in respective areas. ASEAN is also the number one tourist destination for Koreans, and the people-to-people exchanges between the two regions has reached 9 million. Since the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in administration in 2017, Korea has announced the New Southern Policy, targeting the ASEAN region to further deepen this partnership.
Against such backdrop, the ASEAN-Korea Centre, an inter-governmental organization mandated to promote economic and socio-cultural cooperation between ASEAN and Korea, is hosting the 2018 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest inviting students of ASEAN and Korea to share their perspectives and knowledge on ASEAN and ASEAN-Korea relations. The young perspectives of the youth of ASEAN and Korea will contribute toward building a true, genuine and lasting partnership.
THEME (select one of the following themes)
After the international consortium held in Universitas Gadjah Mada on 5 – 6 July, the materials presented by the speakers can be downloaded from here:
Diumumkan, khususnya bagi calon mahasiswa S2 Prodi Fisika, Prodi Matematika, Prodi Kimia, dan Prodi Ilmu Komputer UGM, mengenai dibukanya Program Gelar Ganda (Double Degree Program – DDP) antara FMIPA UGM dan Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University Japan.
Mahasiswa yang dapat mengikuti program ini adalah Mahasiswa S2 dari Prodi Fisika, Prodi Matematika, Prodi Kimia, dan Prodi Ilmu Komputer UGM Angkatan 2018/2019 yang sudah dinyatakan diterima oleh Direktorat Administrasi Akademik (DAA) UGM. Program Gelar Ganda ini adalah program dalam bidang Master dalam bidang Sains Komputasi. Setelah menyelesaikan program, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan dua ijazah sekaligus, yaitu ijazah S2 dari UGM dan Master of Computational Science dari Kanazawa University Japan.
Program DDP ini berlangsung selama dua tahun perkuliahan (termasuk penyelesaian tesis) dengan setahun perkuliahan di FMIPA UGM dan setahun berikutnya di Kanazawa University Japan. Tersedia beasiswa dengan jumlah terbatas bagi mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat. Periode Pendaftaran: 30 Juli – 03 Agustus 2018
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