[This program is self-funded]
Kansai University is now recruiting exchange students for Fall semester 2018 which starts in September.
Exchange ProgramSlide Thursday, 29 March 2018
Kansai University is now recruiting exchange students for Fall semester 2018 which starts in September.
read moreExchange ProgramSlide Tuesday, 27 March 2018
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
read moreExchange ProgramSlide Sunday, 25 March 2018
[This program is self-funded]
YNU is delighted to provide Japanese culture classes and a first-hand experience of campus life for international students during this two-week program.
Exchange ProgramSlide Friday, 2 March 2018
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
We are currently inviting nominations for the 10th Temasek Foundation International Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TFI LEaRN) Programme.
This scholarship programme serves to provide a total experiential learning platform for talented Asian undergraduate young leaders with good academic standing to study a semester (26 July – 8 December 2017) at NTU.
The total experiential learning platform is achieved through the amalgamation of semester course work, community service learning, cultural exchange, projects and host family experience in Singapore. Recipients can look forward to travel out of his/her home country for a semester of immersion that will equip him/her with relevant skills and knowledge to make a greater contribution as a young leader in his/her home country and in the region.
Please refer to the TFI LEaRN @ NTU info sheet enclosed for more details on the programme and the application procedures.
Exchange ProgramSlide Thursday, 1 March 2018
[This program is self-funded] Kansai University (KU), known as one of the leading universities in Japan with old history of 130years, is a comprehensive private university with 13 undergraduate, 13 graduate programs, and 3 professional graduate schools. There are over 30,000 students enrolled at the university including more than 900 international students. KU campuses are located in Osaka. They are about an hour train ride away from Kyoto, Kobe and Nara. Under the new vision for internationalization entitled “Kansai University Global Initiatives” (GI Vision), KU opened the Bekka “Japanese Language and Culture Program Preparatory Course” in 2012. This unique course is designed to enhance Japanese language proficiency, media literacy and inter-cultural competency. Currently, over 100 international students from various countries and regions with large portion of students from Asia are enrolled in the course. They are striving to move on to the next stage of education at Japanese universities at both undergraduate and graduate levels. We are now offering an Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Course (IJLC) in addition to the Preparatory Course (Bekka). IJLC will have sessions in summer and winter. In this IJLC, we provide instruction in Japanese as a second language as well as Japanese culture experiences and field trips (e.g. to Kyoto). Participants will learn Japanese language, and understand Japanese culture and society from various perspectives. Another feature of the IJLC is that the participants will have opportunities to interact with KU Japanese students through a variety of activities. In summary, participants will have opportunities to learn communicative Japanese and truly experience the vibrant cities and people of Western Japan. Program details & application guide: Guide for IJLC Summer 2018 GPA Conversion
read moreExchange ProgramSlide Tuesday, 27 February 2018
[This program is self-funded]
SNU Exchange Program is for students in SNU’s partner universities who wish to study at SNU for one or two semesters and transfer credits to their home institution. To be eligible to participate inour exchange program, candidates must be officially nominated by their home institution and pay the tuition fees to their home institution.
Program guideline: 1. SNU Student Exchange Program Application Guideline for Fall 2018
Exchange ProgramSlide Friday, 23 February 2018
Exchange ProgramSlide Tuesday, 20 February 2018
[This program is self-funded]
Students from partner universities can study at APU for one semester or one year under the student exchange agreements. APU currently accepting the nominations and applications for 2018 Spring exchange program
For further information, please go to: http://en.apu.ac.jp/academic/page/content0166.html/?c=0611
Fact Sheet : http://en.apu.ac.jp/academic/uploads/fckeditor/public/toapu/student_exchange/2018_Exchange_Program_Fact_Sheet.pdf
Exchange ProgramSlide Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Exchange ProgramSlide Friday, 9 February 2018
[This program is self-funded]
Sophia University has more than 200 partner institutions worldwide and receives exchange students based on the student exchange agreements. Every year, more than 300 exchange students study at Sophia. Participating exchange students pay tuition to their home institution for the period of their stay at Sophia. Exchange students will be responsible for their own room and board and transportation to and from the host institution.
For further information, please go to: http://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/admissions/exchangeprograms
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