Greetings from the Graduate Institute Geneva!
Greetings from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam!
Universitas Gadjah Mada with support from The Nippon Foundation through the fellowship program known as the “Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund Program” (SYLFF) is offering UGM-SYLFF Fellowship which exclusively awards shortlisted applicants to pursue the graduate program on the subject of Social Sciences and Humanities in Universitas Gadjah Mada. The UGM-SYLFF Fellowship is an innovative approach to the lasting cooperation of the UGM and Tokyo Foundation under the Sylff consortium with 69 other universities in 44 countries.
Greetings from Leipzig University, Germany!
Greetings from Vytautas Magnus University!
Warmest greetings from Kangwon National University!
Greeting from Chungnam National University!
Greeting from AUN Secretariat!
Greetings from Snowy Chonnam National University, Korea!
Greetings from Porto!
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