With the addition of the new College of Contemporary Education, Chubu University has become a comprehensive university encompassing 7 colleges and 30 departments in the arts and sciences. Initially established as a pre-eminent technical university for the Chubu region, in April 1984 Chubu University added to its original College of Engineering, the College of Business Administration and Information Science, and the College of International Studies. April 1998 saw the foundation of the College of Humanities, and in April of 2001, the university opened its newest faculty, the College of Bioscience and Biotechnology. In April 2006, the College of Life and Health Sciences was opened, and in April 2008, the College of Contemporary Education was established.
We pleased announce to undergraduate(S1) and graduate (S2) program of Universitas Gadajah Mada about opportunity to join International Summer Course 2016 Nagoya University in the field of Marine Biology.
Scholarship: Airfare, Accommodation have already covered by Nagoya University
Required Documents:
The Japanese Government’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) will offer scholarships for academic study in Japan to students as Japanese Government Scholarship Students through university recommendation as outlined below.
Regulations for the 2016 MEXT Scholarship Program are as follows:
(1) Eligible applicants
SWU Summer International Program (SSIP)
*This program is only offered to students currently studying at a SWU partner institution.
This 3 week summer program is designed for students who are interested in Japan, but have not yet studied Japanese.
Students will study about Japanese culture, history and society through a variety of lectures conducted in English and in field trips to historic sites and museums.
Students will also experience collaborative research, discussions and presentations with SWU students in Cross-Cultural Workshops.
SSIP 2016
Dates: June 21 (Tue) ~ July 11 (Mon)
Required Documents:
Following exchange student agreements, Kansai University accepts exchange students from affiliated universities each year in April and September. The International Division programme offers Japanese language classes and Japanese Studies classes for the exchange students. There are six levels of Japanese language classes that range from beginning to advanced according to the student’s level. Regardless of level, all of the classes emphasise the development of oral skills as well as reading and writing skills. The Japanese Studies classes include a wide variety of subjects: history, social structure, the cultural arts, the military arts, economics, philosophy and religion. All of the classes in Japanese Studies are in English.
Call for Participation
The World Congress of Global Partnership for Young Women 2016 takes place Monday, August 1 through Friday, August 12, 2016, in historic Seoul, South Korea. This year’s theme of “Creating Together: Capacity Building and Sustainable Development for Women” examines the concepts of women’s empowerment, capacity building, and sustainable development and women’s empowerment as a key process in achieving gender equality, and, through that, sustainable development, and the benefits to society as a whole. Important motifs of the Congress will be how concepts of women’s empowerment and sustainable development are inextricably tied together in terms of intra and inter-generational justice and, furthermore, what can be done, needs to be done, and is being done for women’s empowerment, both with regard to the building of a dedicated, enabling policy environment and means for enhancing women’s capacity as active change agents for sustainable development.
The Congress includes distinguished Panels in the following areas: ‘SDGs and Empowerment of Women’ and ‘Womenomics and Transformation’. Additionally, the Congress will host a Presidents’ Round Table dedicated to ‘Global Partnership among Universities’ as well as a Poster Session and Special Session, Student Contests (in the areas of ‘Career and Development’, ‘Health and Nutrition’,‘Information and Communications Technology’, and ‘Art and Design’), General and Selective Training, Field Trip, and Korean Cultural Night, all interspersed with multiple opportunities for networking. The Congress brings together leading scholars and researchers, prominent business leaders, and other renowned dignitaries to address critical women’s empowerment issues in contemporary society, and in particular developing world societies
Promising young women who are selected for participation will have the opportunity to not only engage the luminaries who will grace the Congress with their presence, but also to participate in various Student Contests. The Congress pushes the boundaries of women’s empowerment studies, explores core concepts and ideas, and creates new conceptual configurations for women’s empowerment – all of which shapes interdisciplinary discourses.
The World Congress of Global Partnership for Young Women 2016 is hosted by the Organizing Committee of the Global Partnership for Young Women with UN Women. Our Congress venues, Lotte Hotel and Duksung Women’s University, are located in Seoul’s bustling and scenic central and northern districts. Please note that venues are subject to change at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.
Submission Information
We will begin accepting submissions immediately 2016. All submissions must be in English, and all work should be original. Please see attached documents for complete guidelines and information on the Congress. An application form has been attached to this e-mail.
The official proceedings, and all associated materials, of the World Congress of Global Partnership for Young Women 2016 will be published in an open repository.
Visit the submission area (i.e., Student Contest) of your interest for more specific submission instructions:
1) Career Development
2) Health and Nutrition
3) Information and Communications Technology
4) Art and Design
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
February 2016: Open for submissions
20 May 2016, 11:59 pm Korea Standard Time (KST): Application submissions deadline
Mid-June 2015: Shortlisted applicants are contacted
End-June 2016: Early Registration opens
Mid-July 2016: Final versions due for Student Contest papers and presentations
31 July 2016: Official Registration
1 August 2016: Conference begins
Media inquiries, sponsorship inquiries, questions about participation in individual Student Contest submission categories, and any other questions should be sent to the Organizing Committee of the Global Partnership for Young Women with UN Women (UNWP) at unwp@duksung.ac.kr. Alternatively, we can be reached at: tel: +82-2-901-8640 or fax: +82-2-901-8525. For more information, please visit our homepage at http://www.unwp.org/.
Further Information: 2016 UNWP World Congress Program
Please visit Kantor Urusan International UGM (Bulaksumur, F13) before apply.
Gabungan perguruan tinggi dan universitas di Swedia mengadakan Information Session untuk sharing tentang perkuliahan dan program-program yang tersedia di universitas dan perguruan tinggi di Swedia, Tertarik? Segera daftarkan diri kamu.!! Jangan sampai ketinggalan!!
Universitas Gadjah Mada bermaksud mengundang teman-teman untuk hadir dalam acara :
Study in Sweden Campus Tour.
Hari : Selasa, 15 Maret 2016
Pukul : 13:.00-16.00 WIB
Venue : Balai Senat UGM, Gedung Pusat lantai 2 sayap utara
Acara ini gratis dan terbuka untuk semua jenjang. Dapatkan informasi menarik mengenai perkuliahan di Swedia, serta informasi menarik dari universitas yang ternama .Manfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk bertemu langsung dengan perwakilannya serta membuka wawasan kalian untuk kuliah di luar negeri
Scholarships by Sirindhorn Technology Scholarship Fund are available for excellent students from reputable universities of any foreign country to study in a master’s or a doctoral degree program at Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand. The scholarships are made
available for the following fields of study:
Inha University cordially invites international students to our International Summer School Program. We look forward to receiving again a large number of students from many different countries around the world, who will constitute a multi cultural student body in our campus.
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