This Summer Course Program is the Program that offers you as international students who interested in animal science and agriculture, and working with the farmers. We provide a truly international experience in fantastic program, with English language and activity programs that ensure the students return home after a summer they will never forget. As with friendly Indonesian students during the academic year, international students attending summer program will enjoy a huge variety of experiences inside and outside the classroom, all shared with other students.
Summer Course UGM
This program will provide the opportunity for participants to:
Course Description
Modern cryptology is currently at the confluence of two major streams in science, mathematics, and computing. The first stream is the projected arrival of quantum computing technologies at a scale which is large enough to render the current cryptographic standards insecure. Massive engineering challenges remain to be solved before we reach such an era. The community, however, has been embarking in the tasks of designing and rigorously testing quantum-secure cryptographic protocols. Most candidates rely on intractable problems in coding theory, lattices, hash functions, or multi-linear maps. A close scrutiny on their respective theory and deployments, both in softwares and hardwares, provides diverse topics of possible research directions to pursue. Many of them will be long-term enough for PhD research work and for an institute-wide effort as well as regional or international collaboration.
Universitas Gadjah Mada proudly presents Summer Course Program 2019, organized by Agro-technology Innovation Center (AIC). Summer Course program will be held on July 15-24, 2019.
Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada proudly presents:
[Scholarship Available]
DREaM (Disaster Research, Community Empowerment, and Microeconomics)
This Course is Hosted by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Bioceramics has been widely used and plays important roles for several decades in orthopedic, spinal, maxillofacial surgery, drug delivery technology, and vaccine adjuvant as well as cell delivery in regenerative therapies. The clinical success depends on the intensive research to optimize the synthetic bioceramics- based system and understand the biological behavior. Meanwhile nanotechnology has become an approach in health, life sciences, and tissue engineering.
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