Thammasat University and the Chairman of Asian Cooperative Program (ACP) cordially invite you, the students of ACP Consortium member universities, to the Global Study (Learning) program to be held in August/September at Thammasat University, Thailand. In this training program, with the theme of “Disaster Management and Safety, and Environment”, you will study and work together with students from another parts of the glove. For more information please refer to the attached itinerary (tentative, subject to change). On completion of the program you will be awarded 2 credits by Kansai University of International Studies, KUIS.
The Universität Leipzig is international. Around 28.500 students from Germany and all over the world are enrolled in a degree programme at the second eldest university in Germany. True to the maxim ‘A Tradition of Crossing Boundaries’ our Alma mater Lipsiensis maintains a great variety of successful international partnerships. The more than 2.800 foreign students are an essential part of the internationalscholarly discourse and a greatsupport for the development of the university into an academic institution beyond boundaries. The Universität Leipzig is all about innovation, interdisciplinarity, and – having 14 faculties – offers a wide range of study and research options. The Universität Leipzig was the “cradle” of many important figures in the fields of philosophy, music, literature, natural and social sciences as well as politics. Nietzsche gained his basic knowledge in philosophy at the Universität Leipzig from 1865 onwards, Wagner’s talent for music was nurtured and broadened here, and Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria, the first female President of Chile, started her career in Leipzig pursuing a degree in German and Medical Studies. The Universität Leipzig would be elated to support you on your way.
The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently looking for qualified candidates for the following position:
Post title: Junior Consultant, Digital Fundraising Assistant – 6 Month Contract
Duty station: Rome, Italy
Applications deadline: 30 June 2016
Application link:
*Female candidates are encouraged to apply.
** Applicants may directly apply to the respective website. Once you are SELECTED, you NEED to inform your personal data to Office of International Affairs (Bulaksumur F-13) .
We are looking for a student interested in an internship in our International office starting from September 2016. We would like to hire someone with minimum 3 years of studies with a good level of French language. The student will help us with administration tasks (incoming/outgoing students) and will participate in Language center activities. It is a paid internship and there is a possibility for the student to rent a student room at university campus.
The application deadline is 20th of June 2016.
You will find in the attachment a detailed internship offer in English.
Vous trouverez en pièce jointe une offre de stage au sein du Pôle International de l’université de Bourgogne. Nous vous prions de la diffuser auprès de vos étudiants à la recherche d’un stage à partir de septembre 2016. Nous souhaitons engager une personne avec un bac+3 minimum et avec une bonne maîtrise du français. Le stagiaire s’occupera des tâches administratives du Pôle International et participera au fonctionnement du Centre des langues et des cultures pour tous. Il s’agit d’un stage gratifié avec la possibilité de logement sur le campus universitaire. La date limite de dépôt de candidature est fixée au 20 juin 2016.
>>> Placement offer – University of Burgundy
** Applicants may directly apply to the respective email address. Once you are SELECTED, you NEED to inform your personal data to Office of International Affairs (Bulaksumur F-13) .
The Shikoku International Student Education Consortium (SISEC), has been established under an integrated concept shared by the three graduate schools of agriculture of Ehime, Kagawa and Kochi Universities, in Shikoku, Japan. The SISEC offers a Special 5-year Course for International Students from Asian, African, and Pacific Rim countries (AAP Special Course) .

** Applicants may directly send the application to the link and website. Once you are SELECTED, you NEED to inform your personal data to Office of International Affairs (Bulaksumur F-13)
Master’s Course:
The Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST) at Kumamoto University offers the International
Joint Education Program for Science and Technology (IJEP) for international postgraduate students
continuing to Master’s degrees in the following research and educational fields. Enrollment is either in April
or in October. The main language of this program for classes and research is English. Basic Japanese language
courses are offered at Center for Japanese Language and Culture.
Research and Educational Fields
Department: Physics, Chemistry, Earth and Environments, Biological Sciences
Department: Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
New Frontier Sciences
Department: New Frontier Sciences
Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department: Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry
Materials Science and Engineering
Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical System Engineering
Department: Advanced Mechanical Systems, Intelligent Mechanical Systems
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Department: Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Frontier Technology for Energy and
Devices, Human and Environmental Informatics
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department: Environmental Conservation Engineering, Environmental Management and Planning
Department: Architecture and Environment Planning, Building Materials and Structures
Number of Students for Admission
Up to five students.
Financial Aid
Financial aid for the first year of the program will be awarded to some applicants whom the selection
committee recognizes to have excellent records. Extension of the financial aid is possible after a review
After successful fulfillment of the course requirements, Master of Science, Master of Engineering, or Master
of Philosophy will be conferred.
Fees and Tuition
Examination fee: ¥30,000
Enrollment fee: ¥282,000
Tuition: ¥267,900 per semester (¥535,800 per year)
<Documents to Submit>
1) Application Form for IJEP in the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
(format available on website).
2) Health certificate completed within 6 months prior to the date of application (format available on
3) Statement of objectives written by the applicant. It should include reasons for application to the
Graduate School, how the applicant qualifies to be a graduate student, and the applicant’s academic,
research, and professional goals.
4) A certificate of Bachelor’s degree (or a certificate of anticipation of completion), or a copy of a diploma
(original and English translation).
5) Official transcripts of academic recordsin English from each college and university attended, including
information such as GPA and ranking.
6) English summaries of Bachelor’s thesis or equivalents. An interim report is acceptable for applicants
who have not yet graduated at the time of application.
7) Official certificate of citizenship (original and English translation).
8) A copy of the applicant’s passport (if applicant has the passport already).
9) A letter of recommendation in English from the head of the faculty or graduate school of the applicant’s
home university.
10) A letter of recommendation in English from a professor or a research supervisor who can evaluate the
applicant’s ability in study and research.
11) A letter in English from the employer indicating knowledge and consent of this application, if the
applicant is employed at the time of application.
12) An official score of TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS, if the applicant’s native language is not English. Scores
are valid only if dated within two years of the application deadline.
13) Proof of remittance of the examination fee (¥30,000 Japanese yen.
If you make a payment from abroad, please pay 32,500 yen in total (a handling fee of ¥2,500 should
be included) using wire transfer to the following account. Please note that you will be charged for
transfer fees separately.
Doctoral Course
Information Download –> application_information_Doctoral2016(1)
CheckList_MEXT_Doctor CheckList_MEXT_Master Health_certificate Notes_for_filling_out_for_Study_Program Study_program (Sample)Application_form_MEXT Application_form_MEXT Application_form_GSST
Please send 2 copies of all documents above to Kantor Urusan International UGM (Bulaksumur, F13) no later than : 15 JUNE 2016.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) alumni or staff who wish to apply for a full scholarship to pursue postgraduate studies at Oxbridge.
Required Documents
• Application form
• Answer the 3 Questions (attached files)
• Letter(s) of recommendation
• Certificates (certified copies of all relevant academic qualifications.)
• CV / Résumé
• IELTS (Min. Score 6.0) or TOEFL iBT (Min. Score 8.0)
• Official academic transcript
• Two recent passport-size photographs
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