Wawasan kebangsaan pemuda perlu ditingkatkan terkait dengan globalisasi yang kian menggerus jati diri bangsa dan mengancam berkembangnya rasa primordialisme kedaerahan yang menjadi ancaman disintegrasi antar daerah. Hal tersebut terjadi antara lain akibat kurangnya interaksi antar pemuda daerah, pemahaman wawasan nusantara dan ragam budaya.
Dalam rangka mendukung terciptanya kondisi yang memungkinkan pemuda Indonesia untuk dapat saling memahami keberagaman budaya tersebut sekaligus memberikan ruang untuk bertukar gagasan mengenai kontribusi pemuda dan mempelajari pengelolaan potensi sumber daya alam yang berkelanjutan, Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia memberikan suatu wadah yaitu Kapal Pemuda Nusantara. Program ini merupakan kegiatan peningakatan kapasitas pemuda yang dilaksanakan setiap tahunnya dengan berlayar menuju kepulauan tertentu untuk mencapai visi percepatan pembangunan daerah.
Pada tahun 2016, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta mengirimkan tiga perwakilannnya yang terdiri atas satu perwakilan putri yaitu Merlangen Enfani Harismina, dan dua perwakilan putra yaitu Keenan Mukti SSN dan Muhammad Ikhlasul Amal. Pelayaran yang dilakukan mengarungi Selat Karimata saat itu menekankan pada peningktan kesadaran pemuda untuk mulai melakukan aksi nyata yang langsung bermanfaat pada masyarakat. Kegitan yang dilakukan antara lain pembentukan karakter pemuda yang didampingi langsung oleh satuan tugas dari KOPASSUS, pelaksanaan bakti sosial, pentas seni, kelas inspirasi untuk sekolah-sekolah setempat, dan advokasi mengenai usulan pembangunan Kayong Utara untuk Gubernur Kalimantan Barat.
Pada tahun ini, program Kapal Pemuda Nusantara akan melakukan pelayaran ke Sabang Daerah Istimewa Aceh. Melalui Balai Pemuda dan Olahraga Disdikpora DIY, akan dipilih perwakilan putra-putri daerah terbaik yang dapat merepresentasikan budaya daerah dan berkeinginan kuat untuk berkontribusi pada daerah melalui program ini. Pendaftaran seleksi Kapal Pemuda Nusantara Sail Sabang 2017 akan dimulai sejak 10 Maret 2017 hingga 1 April 2017. Seleksi ini terdiri atas tiga tahapan, yaitu: 1) Seleksi berkas/administrasi, 2) seleksi wawancara, dan 3) seleksi karantina. Persyaratan peserta yang harus diperhatikan antara lain:
[This program is self-funded]
Exchange programmes have been established for students from partner universities with which Fontys has exchange agreements. We are pleased to invite exchange students from our partner universities to temporarily join our learning community.
Fact sheet : Fontys Factsheet 2017-2018
For further information, please go to: https://fontys.edu/Short-term-programmes/Exchange-programmes.htm
[This program is self-funded]
Much evidence shows that there is a trend of global urbanization in that people are increasingly moving to cities worldwide, in particular in China and Asia. For example, in 2007 the number of people living in cities in the world for the first time exceeds that residing in rural areas. This process of rapid global urbanization causes thorny problems in cities that are unprecedented to deal with. Together with worldwide challenges, such as global climate change, city planners and managers are faced with urban problems of various scales that require innovative, effective decision skills to resolve. Put differently, the planning of cities must be complemented by the governing of cities in order for city planners and managers to work together to cope with the unprecedented urban challenges. Urban governance that incorporates plans, regulations, and administration for cities thus provides an interdisciplinary platform that helps city planners and managers to enhance their decision skills in governing cities.
For further information, please go to: http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/ipug/about/b1.html
[This program is self-funded]
The Duke-Geneva Institute is designed to address the educational and professional needs of students and young lawyers with an interest in international and comparative law as well as those with an interest in transnational practice. The Institute brings together a congenial group of participants and faculty members who wish to share their highly-varied legal backgrounds and cultures and to learn from one another. The academic program draws on the rich international community of Geneva and is enhanced by special seminars that complement and enrich the classroom instruction.
For further information, please visit: https://law.duke.edu/internat/europe/
[This program is self-funded]
Studying abroad in Birmingham offers you an incredible opportunity to enrich your life and learning experience through encountering different cultures, people and environments. When you choose the University of Birmingham, you choose to place yourself at the heart of the UK. Live and study on our beautiful leafy campus, just minutes away from the UK’s second largest city and Europe’s youngest. You’ll discover Birmingham is a dynamic and diverse city, known for its eye catching architecture, friendly people and vibrant culture. Better connected that any other city, London, Scotland and Europe are literally on your doorstep. Studying Abroad is an adventure. It’s an experience you’ll never forget and, we believe, a key chapter in your global story.
For further information, please go to: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/International/study-abroad/study-abroad-incoming/index.aspx
[This program is self-funded]
Yamaguchi University provides you Summer Program on Japanese Language and Culture from 7 July to 3 August 2017. You are able to take not only Japanere language classes but also various Japanese cultural experiences. Let’s join this program!!
Program Brochure: YU SummerProgram(2017)Eng
For further information, please go to: http://www.isc.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/jpro/jpro_2017.html
[This program is self-funded]
Faculty of Fine Arts Srinakharinwirot University organises “The 7th International Festival of Arts and Culture” on 15th and 16th June 2017. This yearly festival aims to promote national heritage to younger generation and to provide platforms of exchanging performing arts for those with interest such as students, lecturers and professions. Performers and participants are both from local and international educational institutes. In order to further mutual understanding on arts and culture and to strengthen the international relations, I would like to invite members of your organisation to perform and participate in the festival.
[This program is self-funded]
International students, whose institutions have a student exchange agreement with Gifu University, may be admitted as exchange students. Exchange students study at a faculty, school, graduate school or the International Student Center of Gifu University, remaining enrolled at their home institution.
For further information, please go to: http://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/en/international/prospective/non-degree.html#Application
[This program is self-funded]
Students from partner institutions are eligible to apply to the exchange programme for one or two semesters. Prior to submitting their applications, students are nominated from their home universities.
The Graduate Institute is an institution of research and higher education (Master and PhD). Selective and cosmopolitan, it is located in the heart of International Geneva and specialises in the study of the major global, international and transnational challenges facing the contemporary world.
Information Sheet: Exchange_Programme_Information_Sheet_2017-2018
For further information, please visit: http://graduateinstitute.ch/home/study/programmes/exchanges/incoming-students.html
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