[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Korean Government invites outstanding students who are majoring in the fields of science and engineering at the universities and colleges of the 10 ASEAN countries. This training program is designed to provide students with an in-depth academic training in the science and engineering fields and invaluable experience in Korea. This program seeks to nurture future leaders who will contribute to the development of global society and further friendship between Korea and their home country. Students who are interested in this training program are welcome to apply.
Program brochure: 2017 GKS ASEAN Countries Science and Engineering Students (Application Guide)
For further information, please go to:
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
[This program is self-funded]
The Summer Program in English offered by the College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies at Kumamoto University was created to provide international students who have an interest in studying abroad in Japan with a chance to experience life as an international student at Kumamoto University.
For further information, please visit:
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
[This program is self-funded]
Tamkang University’s “Triple Objectives of Education”, which include globalization, information-oriented education, and future-oriented education, were established by the Founder of Tamkang University, Dr. Clement C. P. Chang. Dr. Chang states that “since TKU’s founding, these Triple Objectives have formed the primary direction for TKU development”. TKU’s ultimate goal is to serve the broader community by providing its graduates with cross-disciplinary knowledge and international perspectives.
Program sheet: 1. TKU Information Sheet 2017-18
[This program is self-funded]
University of Opole invites your students to participate in our Practical and Academic English Summer School this summer. We provide 3 weeks’ course in July (July 3-23) for students eager to develop their English skills as well as to experience academic life in the very centre of Europe in a vibrant, multinational environment or a cozy, friendly and picturesque town of Opole just a couple of hundreds kilometers from many European capitals, including Warsaw, Berlin, Vienna, Prague or Budapest. The intensive course is meant not only to develop knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the English language, but also to incite the students to use spoken English spontaneously and with confidence. Academic English skills such as public speaking and argumentation techniques will be the main focus of the classes.
For further information, please visit:
Poster: Uni_Opole_PL_-_Summer_School_POSTER
U.S. politics, apart from being highly dynamic, stands at the center of global attention due to the large influence U.S. has over the course of global politics. As is the case with all strong democracies, political decisions in the U.S. are made under a system where power is separated between three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial system. This program will dissect the way separation of powers work in the U.S., particularly in light of various legal and policy-related implications resulted by the interaction between the executive, the Congress, and the judicial system in the U.S.
Date : Monday, 17 April 2017
Time : 14.30 – 16.00
Place : Auditorium Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, 4th floor of Mandiri Building.
Register yourself through this link:
Further Information: 0812 4647 6148 (Adelia)
[This program is self-funded]
Chuo University takes an active part in a wide range of programs encouraging the exchange of students and researchers with education and research institutions in other countries. It presently has partnership agreements with over 110 institutions. The International Center, established in 1981 to promote international exchange, supports and funds international exchange activities carried out by faculties, graduate schools, and research institutes.
For further information, please go to:
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