[This program is self funded]
In the 20th century ago, the world is facing with human tragedies such as wars, calamities and natural disasters. Those tragedies happened because of human being are far away from their true nature of humanity, injustice and lack of governance in managing the world created by Allah the Almighty. Mankind have no longer play their roles as the God’s servants, on the contrary act as the creators and are doing everything according to their own free will. Eventually, this phenomenon has led to prejudice and enmity among themselves and has caused the world civilization today become more mundane and cannibalistic. At the beginning of the 21st century, such phenomenon still persists and seems to be never ending and having no proper solution.
The discussion of ideas concerning intellectual institution or leaders and scholars in the context of empowering Islamic civilization is vital in these days.This is consistent with the saying of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him that means: “there are two groups of human beings when both of them are good, indeed, all mankind will be good, but when both are bad, consequentlythe whole mankind will be desructive. They are namely ulama’ (scholars) and umara’ (leaders) “(HR. Abu Nu’aim). Therefore, the agenda of Islamic solidarity should be achieved in this contemporary society. It should become the starting point of complementary interrelationship and collaborative efforts of these two significant institutions; ulama’ and umara’.
In this regard, the Research Institute for Islamic Products and Malay Civilization (INSPIRE) in collaboration with Research Management, Innovation & Commercialization Centre (RMIC) are planning to carry out this international conference.
For further information, please go to: https://www.unisza.edu.my/icic2017/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=392&lang=en
[This program is self-funded]
SUMMER COURSE: Youth Leadership Program on Sustainable Development
in conjunction with The 2nd Indonesian Youth Conference on Sustainable Development – “Community Resilience for Promoting Sustainable Development Goals in Changing Climate” 12-21 September 2017
In this leadership course the participants will learn about SDGs, policy and agenda that currently influence sustainability worldwide and how the participants could engage with the movement, position themselves as local and global communities. The program is designed employing various methodologies which expose the participants with various issues and practices related to sustainable development including interactive lectures and discussion, case building, team work, communication skills through poster, presentation, writing, debate and interview with community, and action program within community. The course is structured over a period of 10 days including participating in youth conference at the end of the leadership course, equal to 3 credits.
The youth leadership program Community Resilience for Promoting Sustainable Development Goals in Changing Climate aim:
[This program is self-funded]
The recent 2015 report by the United Nations predicted that by 2050, the world population will grow to 9.7 billion, wherein half of them reside in Asia (54.1 percent), an estimated growth of 19.9 percent from 2015. Social changes and economic shifts in Asia, coupled with recent financial crises, pose significant challenges to sustainable development and business practices in Asia and around the globe. While there are urgency on developing, planning and implementing sustainable strategies to enable and ensure productivity and viability of businesses, new opportunities are also opening up, requiring innovative strategies at all levels to ensure productivity of workers and successful business practices.
Business practices that seize new opportunities with innovations pose a great challenge for Asian firms in the 21st century. The potential growth of the region calls for close collaboration between universities, research institutes and government agencies for the advancement of new knowledge on sustainable business practices as well as on required institutional changes. Social changes accompanying the economic growth and the expansion of the financial market raise new concerns that need to be addressed at the same time. With an unprecedented new horizon opening up for the future of Asia, this conference calls for in-depth discussion to identify new sources of opportunities, by exploring new strategies that enable changes, enhance sustainable growth and meet rising challenges facing firms in Asia.
For further information, please go to: http://sbe.ubd.edu.bn/ICBEF/
The United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia is pleased to invite applications for its 2018-2019 Faculty Scholarship Program.
The Faculty Scholarship Program supports promising young faculty from selected United Board network institutions in pursuing advanced degree study, taught in English at United Board network institutions or approved institutions within Asia but located outside of their home countries. These scholarships help developing colleges and universities nurture junior faculty members and advance whole person education. Through the Faculty Scholarship Program, the United Board aims to support individuals in strengthening their academic qualifications and enhancing their teaching, and to foster academic networks among Asian universities.
We encourage institutions, which have the need to upgrade their teaching faculty and a plan for faculty development, to identify candidates for this opportunity. Each institution can nominate up to three candidates for the Faculty Scholarship Program. More details on institutional eligibility can be found in the guidelines.
Applicants must be currently employed full-time by a university in the United Board network in Asia, below 42 years old for master’s degree programs, and under 40 years old for doctoral degree programs at the time of application, and committed to return to their home institutions after completing their degree programs. Preference will be given to candidates with at least 2-3 years of teaching experience and service at their home institutions. All disciplines are welcome, and special consideration will be given to applicants who are interested in pursuing gender or women’s studies or related subjects for master’s or doctoral studies.
Selected candidates may receive scholarship awards of up to US$10,000 per year, for a maximum of four years’ support for doctoral studies and up to two years for master’s degree programs, pending satisfactory progress. Scholarships generally cover tuition, room and board, and a modest monthly allowance.
Some host universities have offered to top up the United Board funds with full-tuition waiver/scholarship, and below is a partial list for the 2018-2019 cycle for your reference. More details can be found in the United Board Network Institutions and Approved Institutions with English-medium Degree Programs document.
-Central China Normal University: full-tuition scholarships for all MA and PhD studies;
-Chinese University of Hong Kong: one full-tuition scholarship for Master of Public Health;
-Ewha Womans University: one full-tuition scholarship for MA and/or PhD in Natural Sciences (Nutritional Science and Food Management, Nursing Science), English Linguistics and Literature, Graduate School of International Studies (International Trade & Investment, International Business, Development Cooperation, International Relations, Korean Studies), Graduate School of Business and Engineering;
-Hong Kong Baptist University: one full-tuition scholarship each for MA in Communication, Media Management and International Journalism Studies;
-International Christian University: one full-tuition scholarship for Master of Peace Studies;
-Macquarie University: full-tuition scholarships for PhD studies.
The guidelines and application form for the United Board Faculty Scholarship Program are available on the United Board website, as well as a list of universities and their English-medium degree programs. Please refer to: https://unitedboard.org/progra
The application form and all supporting documents must be received by October 15, 2017 at the United Board’s Hong Kong office. The United Board will acknowledge the receipt of applications by email and will interview selected applicants.
Further inquiries can be directed to Ms. Vivica Xiong, Program Officer for the Faculty Scholarship Program, at:
United Board Faculty Scholarship Program
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
1/F Chung Chi College Administration Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, Hong Kong
Required Documents:
Sample Endorsement Letter
2018-2019 Universities with English Programs
2018-2019 United Board Faculty Scholarship Program Guidelines
2018-2019 United Board Faculty Scholarship Program Application Form
2018-2019 United Board Faculty Scholarship Program Announcement
[This program is self-funded]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Fukuoka Women’s University is offering its short-term study abroad program to ambitious international female students focusing on Japanese culture from September, 2017 to August, 2018. The students participate in 1 semester program (starting April 2018).
The WJC program was established in 2010 as a milestone in the Fukuoka Women’s University’s internationalization effort. The program grants participants from each partner university a scholarship. Based on the availability of student positions and the number of applications from partner universities, a total of 25 to 30 students will be selected as participants. Only female students are eligible for WJC.
It is desirable (and important for us to maintain diversity of a student body) that applicants come from various academic fields, such as liberal arts, social sciences and natural sciences as well as Japanese studies majors.
>>> 01_General Information_WJC_Spring 2018
>>> 06_Course Abstract_WJC_Spring 2018_tentative
>>> 07_WJC_2017_Brochure
[This program is self-funded]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Scholarships offered as a part of the program includes free 2 nd degree studies conducted in Polish language (preceded by a year-long preparation course for taking up studies in Poland) and 3 rd degree studies conducted in public universities supervised by the minister responsible for higher education. The amount of the scholarship, which covers the costs of accommodation and living, is PLN 1350 per month.
The offer is addressed to the citizens of developing countries : Angola, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Colombia, Mexico, Myanmar, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Palestine, South Africa, Senegal, Tanzania, Vietnam. For complete list of countries is available at the following link: http://www.pretoria.msz.gov.pl/resource/ba378570-e1dc- 4d23-a36b-6e417f16fcb5:JCR
[This program is self-funded]
International Summer Program (ISP) 2017 is the annual summer program for international students. In the summer of 2017, a three-week program will be organized from 14th August to 01st September 2017. The programs have attracted a great number of students from different countries for the last 5 years. The purpose of the programs is to provide international students with knowledge about the economy of Vietnam, how to do business in Vietnam, and experience of Vietnamese culture.
Program brochure: ISP 2017
[This program is self-funded]
— For Master Student —
With immense pleasure, we invite your students to be part of summer school 2017 – a right mix of campus, corporate, and culture! Summer school program 2017 is meant for post graduate (master level) students seeking an academic challenge and multi-cultural international learning experience at the Indian Institute of management Ahmedabad.
Program brochure: IIMA Summer School 2017
For further information, please go to: web.iima.ac.in/ss2017
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