[This program is self-funded]
Students from partner universities can study at APU for one semester or one year under the student exchange agreements. APU currently accepting the nominations and applications for 2018 Spring exchange program
For further information, please go to: http://en.apu.ac.jp/academic/page/content0166.html/?c=0611
Fact Sheet : 2018_Exchange_Program_Fact_Sheet
—— For Undergraduate and Master ——
The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) accepts exchange students from partner universities with which the University has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding concerning student exchange. Exchange studentscan choose between the Type G and Type U programs.The Type G program is designed for graduate students. Type G participants will belong to one of the Graduate Schools which they applied for and be able to take various courses or conduct research under the guidance offaculty members. The Type U program is designed for undergraduate students to take various courses given in English and/orJapanese in the various Faculties in accordance with their English and/or Japanese language proficiency.
Information about USTEP:http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/academics/ustep-overview.html
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