[Scholarship is offered for this program]
For further information, please go to: http://www.n.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/prospective/special-graduate/?lang=en
The 21st AFBE Conference, co-hosted by Thaksin University (AFBE 2018) will be held at Phuket Graceland Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand on January 15th – 16th, 2018. The theme of the conference is “creativity and innovation for smart societies and sustainable development”. While papers which directly address the conference theme are particularly welcome, all other areas of business and business education are also welcome. Manuscripts will be provisionally accepted based on submission of an abstract, subject to the full paper being received. All manuscripts will be double-blind peer-reviewed. The full text of papers accepted for presentation will be published in the conference proceedings and selected papers may be published in the AFBE Journal.
[This program is self-funded]
There are three student statuses from which you can choose in order to study at Gifu University as an exchange student.
1. Special Research Student (April – September, October – March)
2. Special Auditor (April – September, October – March)
3. Japanese Studies Program Student (October – September)
In deciding with which status you want to study at Gifu University, please consider carefully the purposes of your study and your Japanese language ability.
Fact sheet: 1.FACT SHEET for Exchange Students 2018-2019
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Ritsumeikan University’s “International PBL Program in ASEAN Countries” is an education program focusing on “international problem/project-based learning” which looks to provide necessary “multi-dimensional thinking skills” (technical thinking, business thinking, system design thinking) by accepting students from a variety of countries and regions to work collectively to solve policy and social issues such as Asian welfare, urban planning and development which ASEAN countries have been facing.
This program has been created on the basis of academic collaboration with partner institutions and Ritsumeikan University as one of the “FY2013 Inter-University Exchange Project” by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) to promote student exchange with partner institutions in ASEAN Countries under AIMS program (ASEAN International Mobility for Students program).
For further information, please go to: http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/international/aims/eng/
Information Sheet: 7 Information Sheet 2017-18_RU_PBL
Poster: 9 RU_PBL_information_flyer_2018(1)
[This program is self-funded]
National Central University (NCU) is a university with long-standing traditions in Taiwan. Founded in Nanjing in 1915, NCU was the leading academic center in the Southeast China; the phrase “North the Peking University; South the Central University” at that time revealed the significance of NCU. NCU was later re-established in Taiwan in 1962 and started the development on the basis of Geophysics. After our endeavor over 50 years, NCU has expanded its school size and had great achievements both in academic and research development. NCU is now one of the leading universities in Taiwan.
Fact sheet: NCU Incoming Exchange Fact_Sheet_2018-2019
[This program is self-funded]
Sophia University has more than 200 partner institutions worldwide and receives exchange students based on the student exchange agreements. Every year, more than 300 exchange students study at Sophia. Participating exchange students pay tuition to their home institution for the period of their stay at Sophia. Exchange students will be responsible for their own room and board and transportation to and from the host institution.
For further information, please go to: http://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/admissions/exchangeprograms
[This program is self-funded]
This four-week intensive program is aimed at learners of Japanese language who are currently enrolled in universities pursuing either an undergraduate or graduate degree. Our courses are designed to be practical ones providing the learners hands-on exposure to everyday Japanese language used in Japanese education, culture and society.
Classes will be divided according to the Japanese language proficiency of the participants and every class is designed to fulfill the needs of participants at different levels. Each class will consist of a small number of participants – 12 or less.
While supporting the participants to improve their Japanese language skills, this program will provide invaluable opportunities to experience the real Japan. This program includes various off-campus activities – a two-day excursion and culture trip(s) to Tokyo and Kanto regions to broaden the participants’ understanding of Japanese culture. With the support from TUFS International Student Support Association, on-campus Japanese culture experience – tea ceremony, Kimono try-on, flower arrangement, calligraphy and interacting opportunities with TUFS Japanese students will also be offered.
For further information, please go to: http://www.tufs.ac.jp/english/intlaffairs/exchange_in/sswp.html
[This program is self-funded]
University of Malaya, or UM, Malaysia’s oldest university, is situated on a 900 acre campus in the southwest of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. The varsity is proud to claim the title of the country’s premier university and the origins of the university can be traced back to 1905 with the founding of King Edward VII College of Medicine and its subsequent merger in 1949 with Raffles College (founded 1929) in Singapore to form the national university of the Federation of Malaya under the name of University of Malaya.
In 1954, the government put forward a proposal that the University of Malaya should rightly have two branches, one in Singapore and another in Kuala Lumpur. Through an act of parliament in 1961 the University of Malaya as we know it today in Kuala Lumpur, was established on 1 January 1962 as the first university in this country.
For further information, please go to: http://isc.um.edu.my
Fact sheet: SEM II 2017_2018_FACT SHEET STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMS (Compressed)(1)
The 10th ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Week akan dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan the 17th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology and related meetings, ASEAN STI Exhibition dan the ASEAN STI Conference pada tanggal 12 – 20 Oktober 2017 di Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology (ASEAN COST) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di kawasan ASEAN dengan memberikan penghargaan kepada para ilmuwan melalui ASEAN Science and Technology Awards (ASEAN S&T Awards) dengan kategori sebagai berikut:
Program | Duration of Program | Duration of Scholarship |
Chinese language | 0.5—1 school year | 0.5—1 school year |
Pre-bachelor | 0.5—1 school year | 0.5—1 school year |
Pre-master | 0.5—1 school year | 0.5—1 school year |
Pre-doctoral | 0.5—1 school year | 0.5—1 school year |
Bachelor | 2—6 school years | 2—6 school years |
Master | 2—3 school years | 2—3 school years |
Doctor | 3—4 school years | 3—4 school years |
II Coverage and Standard
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