The Swiss government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards scholarships to foreign scholars and researchers. The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.
There are three types of scholarships offered for Indonesia:
• Research scholarships >>> 075_research_2017_2018_e
• PhD Scholarships >>> 075_phd_2017_2018_e
• Postdoctoral scholarships >>> 075_postdoc_2017_2018_e
Information on eligibility criteria, application procedure, contact addresses and additional information is available under the following link:
Scholarships holders are entitled to get benefits which include monthly allowance, insurance, public transportation card, excursions and a lump sum for air fare. Please find the further details under the link mentioned above.
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
>>> 1-tku-information-sheet-2016-17
[Scholarships are offered for this program]
One of the top 50 law schools in the world, the UTS Faculty of Law is located in Sydney’s creative technologies hub in the central business district. This 2-week intensive program is designed to provide foreign nationals with a foundation in legal theory and practice in the Australian and international context. Enjoy Summer in Sydney whilst attending seminars across a range of areas in law and taking part in law-related field trips.
Please click here to view the Program schedule for 2017.
Three scholarships are available for high achieving participants, valued at AUD$1000, $800 and $600. Scholarships are awarded on the final day of the Summer School to the top three participants who best demonstrate thoughtful engagement with the program topics during seminars.
+-+-+-+- The Asia Foundation Emerging Leaders +-+-+-+-+-
Program Overview:
Call for Applicants, 2017 Asia Foundation Development Fellows program
(Deadline: Monday November 21, 2016):
The Asia Foundation Development Fellows: Emerging Leadership for Asia’s Future program provides highly qualified, young professionals from Asia with an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills and gain in-depth knowledge of Asia’s critical development challenges. The year-long professional advancement program is designed to be a multifaceted experience, involving intensive learning modules – short courses, conferences and study tours in Asia and the U.S. – to enhance leadership skills, Asian development knowledge, professional networks, and international exposure. The program provides the flexibility for Fellows to design their own professional development component and to stay in their current occupations while participating in the program’s rigorous modules. The program seeks highly talented individuals, under age 40, who have demonstrated outstanding commitment, integrity, and leadership potential within their professional fields and within their larger community.
Learn more at:<>
Facebook: Join our 2017 class of Asia Foundation Development Fellows, an inspiring group of innovative change makers working on the region’s most pressing development challenges. Please help us spread the word to reach the most qualified individuals and apply here:<>
Twitter: Be a part of shaping Asia’s future, apply for our 2017 Asia Foundation Development Fellows. Please RT! #AsiaDevFellows
LinkedIn: The Asia Foundation is calling on emerging leaders to become a part of our 2017 Development Fellows, an inspiring group of innovative change makers working on the most pressing development challenges in Asia. Apply by November 21st.
More Info:<>
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
This scholarship programme aims to help students and graduates improve their knowledge of German (general language, special language) and their cultural knowledge of the country.
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission promotes the mobility of students and teachers. The action Erasmus+ KA107 of this program provides funding for exchange mobility with partner countries. The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) has been awarded with scholarships under the action KA107 therefore students and staff from their partner universities have the opportunity to fund their exchanges to this institution.
The research scholarship programme “Biodiversity and Health” aims to strengthen the partnership between German and Indonesian research initiatives, focusing on the innovative discovery and conservation of biodiversity, with the intent of supporting the sustainable development of new medical products. The programme shall enable young scientists from Indonesia, who will be offered scholarships funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany (BMBF), to conduct their PhD studies and research in Germany, within the framework of eight German-Indonesian collaborative research projects agreed between BMBF, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), and the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).
The cooperation projects:
These scholarships are funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training and are available to outstanding overseas students.
Information on the CDU Research Scholarships available can be found at : and
other scholarships on offer to international students can be found at :
[Scholarships are offered, they need separated applications to JASSO and other financial supports]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
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