OrangeASEAN is in initiative from the Dutch embassies in Southeast-Asia. It is a three week pop-up company consisting of talented students and young professionals from both the Netherlands and Southeast Asia. Together they design innovative solutions for sustainability challenges in the region. Supported by academics and experts, and intensively coached by two sustainability professionals, 20-30 participants work together in dedicated teams developing business cases for real-life issues.
We are looking for new participants (young professionals & students) for the upcoming edition in Kuala Lumpur (September 19 – October 8). The themes will be ‘Food’ and ‘Circular Economy’ respectively. Students will get consultancy and sustainability training, and learn from the guidence on their work on a case from experts.
Climate change, resource depletion, pollution, energy inefficiencies and waste management are major challenges in Southeast Asia. Innovative solutions are needed that can guide the transition into a circular economy in the ASEAN region. Think of: waste-to-resource, waste-to-energy, sustainable logistics and new business cases for a circular economy. We challenge you to support entrepreneurs from the Netherlands and Southeast Asia to improve their sustainability or to introduce their sustainable solutions to the region.
Join as one of the 30 Dutch and ASEAN young professionals, students and entrepreneurs in Kuala Lumpur for a three week Orange ASEAN Factory. Get intensive support from sustainability professionals and connect to renowned universities, companies, NGOs and government institutes. Work together in dedicated teams to develop concrete business cases on reducing resources and waste, on setting up sustainable supply chains or on introducing sustainable products and services in the region. Present the results during the Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference and the Malaysian Dutch Business Counsel Sustainability Awards Ceremony.
What is SHARE?
SHARE is an EU Grant funded project with an overarching objective to strengthen regional cooperation, enhance the quality, competitiveness and internationalisation of ASEAN higher education institutions and students, contributing to an ASEAN Community beyond 2015. The main aim is to enhance cooperation between the EU and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and to create lasting benefits from the harmonisation of higher education across ASEAN.
Who are the partners and what are they going to deliver?
A consortium led by British Council, comprising the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), EP-Nuffic, Campus France, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the European University Association (EUA) will be working between 2015 and 2018 with ASEAN counterparts to implement SHARE. There are 3 main components (called Result Areas) during the implementation of SHARE, as follows:
• Result 1 – Policy Dialogues: Led by British Council
• Result 2a and 2b – ASEAN Qualifications Reference Frameworks and ASEAN Quality Assurance: Led by DAAD working with European partners ENQA and EUA
• Result 3a – ASEAN Credit Transfer System (ACTS) & Result 3b – ASEAN-EU Credit Transfer Systems (AECTS): Led by Campus France
• Result 3c ACTS & AECTS Student Mobility with Scholarships: Led by EP-Nuffic
Who are the main Stakeholders?
• The European Union (EU), represented by the European Commission in Jakarta
• ASEAN Secretariat in general, represented by Education, Youth and Training Division (EYTD)
Who are the target groups?
SHARE is aimed at a cluster of target groups and beneficiaries. At regional level, these include ASEAN agencies involved in the harmonisation of higher education sectors such as:
• AQAFHE Task Forces
At national level, target groups include:
• government departments responsible for overseeing higher education sector
• university leaders associations
• higher education institutions with ambitions for internationalisation and desire to improve the quality of education provision
Students and employers will directly benefit from SHARE as recipients of quality academic programmes delivering higher level skills and knowledge, improved mobility (borderless education) and enhanced employability skills.
What are the impact?
By the end of SHARE in early 2019, the following outcomes are expected in higher education in ASEAN member states:
• Increased and enhanced mobility for university students across ASEAN through improved qualification frameworks, quality assurance, an ASEAN-wide credit transfer system and scholarship scheme.
• Improved equality in opportunities for exchange, as students benefit from SHARE’s technical assistance across ASEAN member countries, thereby improving connectivity across higher education in ASEAN.
• Strengthened ties between ASEAN universities and increasing opportunities for EU-ASEAN university partnerships.
Application Procedure
Downloadable materials:
• SHARE Universities Course List
• Rules-and-Regulation
• EU-Share-Flyer
Please send a copies of all (Host University) admission documents above to Kantor Urusan International UGM (Bulaksumur, F13) no later than : 30 May 2016.
* We could endorse applicant by issuing ‘Letter of Nomination’ for your host university, while you are applying for that respective host university in the same time.
Announcement for the FSC-UC Summer School 2016 “Climate Change: Impacts on Food Security”
Organizers: This course is jointly organized by Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand; the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA); the Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Studies in Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC); and the Food Security Center (FSC) of the University of Hohenheim, Germany with the financial support by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Venue and Dates: The course will be held at Kasetsart University, Thailand from July 25 to August 11, 2016.
Participants: The course is open to graduate students from developing countries. Preference will be given to Ph.D. students and advanced M.S. students.
Scope: The summer school will consist of 3 one-week modules on topics related to the impacts of climate change to agriculture and food production. Each module will be a mixture of lecture/theory, case studies, group discussion, and field visits. It is intended to be an interactive class with students’ participation.
Module 1 (July 25-29, 2016): Climate change and fisheries/aquaculture (Dr. Sukkrit Nimitkul, Kasetsart University, Thailand). Examining the effect of climate change on both fresh and marine aquaculture with a case study of Thailand, including small experiments/group discussion and field trip.
Module 2 (August 1-5, 2016): Climate change and livestock production (Dr. Jean Rust, Döhne Agricultural Development Institute, South Africa). Potential impact of climate change on livestock production: a review with emphasis on Africa. Discussion and participation in class activities are encouraged.
Module 3 (August 8-11, 2016): Climate-smart agriculture (potential lecturer from University of Hohenheim, Germany)
Scholarships: The UC is offering 2 scholarships for qualified graduate students from the UC member universities to cover actual cost of roundtrip economy airfare and USD 515 to cover modest cost of living allowance.
Accommodations (double occupancy) may be arranged at the KU International Dormitory but participants have to pay the cost from their allowance.
Required Documents:
This is the information on 2017 academic year Meiji exchange student program.
Brunel University London is home to 15,000 students from over 100 countries, who work, think and learn together on one campus. Brunel is one of the top 25 universities worldwide founded in the last 50 years. We combine academic rigour with a practical, entrepreneurial and imaginative approach to meet the challenges of the future.
Regional Scholarships for students from Indonesia
Brunel is pleased to announce five new scholarship awards – offering £3000 towards first year’s tuition fees – for students from Indonesia*
To apply for this merit-based scholarship you need to:
• Have an offer for an academic course at Brunel University London, which starts in September 2016
• Complete the online application form by 31 May 2016 12pm GMT on the Brunel International Regional Scholarships 2016 page
If you have not already applied for a course at Brunel, you will need to do this by the 20th of May 2016
*Terms and Conditions apply
On the occasion of the 11 th ASEM Summit, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) together with its partners will organise the 7 th Model ASEM on 6-10 July 2016 in Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia.
Model ASEM is a 3-day youth conference and political simulation of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit. It is a platform for students to exchange perspectives on Asia-Europe collaborations, promote the ASEM process and build long-term relations between youth of the two continents. Through role-play, research, case-studies and practical trainings the participants will enhance their diplomacy, negotiation, consensus-building and public-speaking skills. Visits to ASEM Embassies and Consulates in Mongolia are part of the overall programme. Where possible, direct interactions between youth participants and ASEM Leaders are envisaged.
ASEF has launched the Open Call for Application and warmly invites ASEM youth between the ages of 18-30 to apply. The deadline for applications is Friday, 13 May 2016, 23:59 GMT .
Unleash the negotiator in you and show that you are a consensus builder!
The 7 th Model ASEM is a 3-day youth conference and political simulation of the actual Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit. Model ASEM is a platform for political debate and negotiation where over 150 participants from the 51 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries have the possibility to experience first-hand Asia -Europe diplomacy through role-play exercises, practical trainings as well as meetings with the ASEM Leaders of today.
In conjunction with the 11 th ASEM Summit and the 20th Anniversary of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process, Model ASEM serves as a sustainable platform for the youth to engage with the ASEM process and to create direct interactions with the ASEM Leaders. Participants will d evelop a consensus-based Chair’s Statement, which is to be presented to the ASEM Leaders at the Opening Ceremony of the ASEM11.
The programme includes online pre-conference research and training modules with individual tasks, case studies and team work exercises. During the 3-day programme in Ulaanbaatar, participants will join plenary sessions, working groups and practical trainings with a focus on the 3 ASEM pillars: economic, political and socio- cultural. Visits to Diplomatic Missions of ASEM countries located in Ulaanbaatar will be arranged and, where possible, interactions between the young leaders and the ASEM Leaders facilitated.
The 7 th Model ASEM is your opportunity to discover your diplomatic vein!
6-10 July 2016
Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)
Accommodation, meals and travel subsidy will be provided for the selected participants.
Eligibility criteria:
• Citizens (passport holders) of any of the 51 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries
• University students from all disciplines, between the ages of 18-30, with an interest in international relations
• The conference will be conducted in English only, and therefore requires strong verbal and written command of English by all participants.
Online Application >>>
FAQ >>> 7thModelASEM_FAQ
Open Call >>> 7thModelASEM_OpenCall
Overview >>> 7thModelASEM_Overview
** Applicants may directly fill the online application. Once you are SELECTED, you NEED to inform your personal data to Office of International Affairs (Bulaksumur F-13) .
The primary aim of the Scheme is to enhance research capacity in ACIAR’s partner country institutions. Whilst individual awardees will benefit from the Scheme, it is important to emphasise that partner country institutions are the key targets.
ACIAR’s research priorities are determined through regular consultations with partner countries. Alignment of postgraduate training with research will ensure that the training needs of partner countries are met. Thus, postgraduate studies undertaken by each awardee are usually based on the research work being carried out under the collaborative research project in whch the awardee is engaged prior to taking up the award. Although applications are welcome from participants in both bilateral and multilateral projects, applicants must be working with ACIAR projects in a current partner developing country and applicants must be citizens of the country in which they are working.
After a successful initial year, ACIAR will continue to use the online application process. For registration please visit the Online Australia Scholarship Information System (OASIS) to logon, create and complete an application.
Please note that it is ACIAR’s preference that applicants apply online. However if applicants are unable to submit online an updated application form will be made available on request to
The JAF 2017 intake round opens on Sunday 1 May 2016 until Sunday 31 July 2016 (Australia Eastern Standard Time)
Mae Fah Luang University, perguruan tinggi negeri yang berlokasi di Chiang Rai, Thailand menawarkan 2 (dua) beasiswa penuh kepada pelamar dari Indonesia. Beasiswa ini terbuka untuk pendidikan S1 dan/atau S2 di Mae Fah Luang University. Bidang-bidang yang ditawarkan terlampir.
Beasiswa yang ditawarkan menanggung : uang kuliah sampai selesai program, biaya sewa asrama, biaya hidup THB 6000 (enam ribu bath) per bulan, uang buku THB 5000 (lima ribu bath) per semester, ansuransi kesehatan, biaya persiapan bahasa Inggris dan biaya magang (jika diperlukan).
Dokumen yang menjadi persyaratan sebagai berikut:
• Formulir lamaran yang telah diisi (formulir lamaran terlampir)
• Pasfoto ukuran 1 inci
• Fotokopi paspor
• Fotokopi transkript akademik mulai SMA dalam bahasa Inggris (yang telah dilegalisir)
• Fotokopi ijazah mulai SMA dalam bahasa Inggris (yang telah dilegalisir)
• Fotokopi TOEFL ITP atau IELTS (persyaratan dapat dilihat pada Admission Guide terlampir)
• Surat Keterangan Kesehatan dari dokter/rumah sakit dalam bahasa Inggris
• Surat rekomendasi dari dosen pengampu
• Curriculum Vitae
• Dokumen lain yang dirasa dapat memberikan nilai tambah
>>> Admission Guide 1-2016
>>> Scholarship Application Form
>>> Scholarship Programme 2016
Mohon mengirimkan semua berkas ke Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM (Bulaksumur F-13) paling lambat tanggal 20 Mei 2016.
* Pelamar beasiswa yang dicalonkan harus mengirim berkas Hardfile tsb ke alamat di bawah ini dan paling lambat diterima 30 Mei 2016;
Atase Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
KBRI Bangkok
600-602 Petchburi Road
Rajtheve District
Bangkok 10400 – Thailand
** Pelamar beasiswa yang dicalonkan harus mengirim berkas Softfile (hasil scan dalam bentuk pdf) dikirimkan ke email berikut dan paling lambat diterima pada tanggal 26 Mei 2016. []
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