[This program is self-funded]
Exchange Program
[Scholarship is offered for this program
CASEUF Summer Program, which will be in session in early August 2018. The Spring Program in March was very successful thanks to your cooperation. All students were diligent and they very much contributed to the program success.
Program brochure: CASEUF 2018 Prospectus
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Universität Leipzig is international. Around 28.500 students from Germany and all over the world are enrolled in a degree programme at the second eldest university in Germany. True to the maxim ‘A Tradition of Crossing Boundaries’ our Alma mater Lipsiensis maintains a great variety of successful international partnerships. The more than 2.800 foreign students are an essential part of the internationalscholarly discourse and a greatsupport for the development of the university into an academic institution beyond boundaries. The Universität Leipzig is all about innovation, interdisciplinarity, and – having 14 faculties – offers a wide range of study and research options. The Universität Leipzig was the “cradle” of many important figures in the fields of philosophy, music, literature, natural and social sciences as well as politics. Nietzsche gained his basic knowledge in philosophy at the Universität Leipzig from 1865 onwards, Wagner’s talent for music was nurtured and broadened here, and Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria, the first female President of Chile, started her career in Leipzig pursuing a degree in German and Medical Studies. The Universität Leipzig would be elated to support you on your way.
THE STUDY SYSTEM follows a three-tier scheme: A three-year Bachelor’s degree prepares students for their future professional careers. Hereafter, a two-year Master’s degree enables students to specialise in certain academic fields. The specific methodological skills gained therein, can then be applied in possible research projects within a three-year Doctorate programme. THE STU DY SYSTEM is structured in a sequence of semesters. Classes are organised as thematic packages, called “modules”. Modules can be lectures, seminars, internships, or project based work. They are each completed by exams. For every successfully completed module, students are usually awarded 10 credits. Aside from specialised knowledge, students can also acquire key qualifications, such as methodological or soft skills. Per semester, students need to achieve a total of 30 credits corresponding to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The individual academic schedules can be organised by choosing courses from a module catalogue.
[This program is self-funded]
Greetings from ASEAN University Network.
Burapha University, Thailand, an AUN member university, is pleased to announce BUU Summer Camp 2018, which will be held on 1-9 July 2018 at Burapha University, Chonburi Campus, Thailand. The Summer Camp is open for 15 international undergraduate students and 15 Thai undergraduate students enrolled in any disciplines.
For more information kindly download the brochure from BUU Summer Camp 2018 Program.
[This program is self-funded]
[This program is self-funded]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
[This program is self-funded]
University of Opole invites Universitas Gadjah Mada students to participate in the Summer University 2018. This year we have changed the conception and introduced more freedom and flexibility into our programme, thus offering an opportunity to each participant to pursue their own interests and ambitions.
80 hours of classes, workshops and activities. Two English Modules (Practical English with elements of academic English – 30 h, and Elective Courses – 24 h). Rich afternoon and weekend activities. This is what we have prepared to boost English proficiency of the students and improve their social skills.
The fee for the Summer School is 539 Euro EUR and covers the 80 hour course, accommodation at the dormitory, a two day trip to Polish historical capital city – Cracow, and after class activities.
You can also reach us at our website or have students talk to our consultants regarding practicalities of coming to and living in Poland: hello.uni.opole.pl/summer
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