
Arina Maulinda

University of the Philippines Los Banos

I can’t be more grateful! It’s such an honour for me to be an exchange student at the University of the Philippines, Los Banos. It was an enchanting experience, and I believe that study abroad is a perfect way to step out your comfort zone. It’s a journey of self-discovery! The Philippines is a long lost sibling of Indonesia. I find quite a lot of similarity between our languages, and it was very interesting when I discussed that with my fellow Filipino Friends.

In UPLB, I also met other International students. We share culture and stories! We respect each other. Don’t get me wrong, facing such a culture and academic air shifting can be hard. Also the fact that my roommate is Japanese, and all my neighbour are foreigner, sometimes makes my tongue twisted because I have to speak English all the time! But all the struggle, it is what makes me stronger, more adaptable and more open-minded.

Study abroad is a must-do list in your early 20’s, fellas!
Cheers and find me @arinamaulinda