The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Released Research Procedures in Indonesia: Wide-Open Opportunities for Foreign Researchers!
The door has now been widely opened for various foreign higher education institutions, research institutions, and foreign researchers to conduct research programs in Indonesia in order to further cultivate and nurture Research and Development activities and build cooperations in knowledge and technology transfer across countries. In accordance with Government Decree No. 41/2006 which regulates research activities by foreign parties in Indonesia, foreign researchers are allowed to conduct their research collaboratively with local counterparts representing local higher education institutions, research institutions, or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who have the competency in the respective fields of research.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) of Indonesia has published a set of research procedures for foreign researchers in Indonesia, starting from the information on the procedures of research permit proposal to procedures of research period extension in Indonesia. Every foreign researcher planning to organize research within Indonesia territory, according to MoFA of Indonesia, must submit research permit application to the State Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia by attaching at least 15 required documents enlisted below.
- A formal letter of request addressed to the State Ministry of Research and Technology, c/o Secretary to the State Minister for Research and Technology;
- 6 (six) copies of research proposal which contains at least title, objectives, methodology and concepts, location, and duration of the research in Indonesia;
- 6 (six) copies of abstract on the research proposal;
- 6 (six) copies of Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the researcher including a list of publications;
- 4 (four) copies of the researcher’s close-up profile photo (4×6 cm) with red background;
- 6 (six) copies of the researcher’s passport which must be valid until at least six months after the completion of the proposed research in Indonesia;
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) between the researcher and his/her Indonesian local counterpart, if the researcher plans to take specimens or samples to analyse either in his/her home country or in Indonesia;
- 2 (two) letters of recommendation from professor or senior researcher/supervisor;
- Official letter of recognition issued by the institution or university where the researcher employed;
- Recommendation letter from related Indonesian Representative Office (Indonesian Embassy or Consulate General) abroad;
- Letter of support from Indonesian counterpart stating that the institution will act as research counterpart;
- Health certificate from legal-practicing medical-doctor stating that the researcher is physically and mentally capable to conduct the research;
- Letter of guarantee stating that the researcher has sufficient fund to cover research and living expenses during conducting research in Indonesia;
- List of research equipments that will be brought to Indonesia;
- If the researcher plans to bring his/her spouse and children, he/she must also submit a copy of marriage certificate or other citizen partnership certificate, child birth certificate, copies of his/her family passports, and 4 (four) recent close-up photographs of each family member.
Furthermore, the MoFA of Indonesia instructs that upon arrival in Indonesia, foreign researchers must report to the Secretariat of Foreign Research Permit at the BPPT building II and fill a form provided by the Secretariat. Not long after that, specifically within 1×24 hours of working day, the applicant will receive some documents from the Secretariat, including Letter of Research Permit and Research Permit Card; Letter of Travel Permit Application; Letter of Research Notification Application; copies of Certificate of Police Registration (Surat Lapor Diri); Letter of request for KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, Limited Stay Permit Card) addressed to the local Immigration Office where research will be done; and Letter of Request for SLKD. After completing the submission of the required documents and receive the documents above from the Secretariat of Foreign Research Permit, foreign researchers are then allowed to commence research in Indonesia.
Other than detailed procedures regarding the application of research permit in Indonesia along with the steps that foreign researchers must follow upon arrival in Indonesia, the MoFA of Indonesia also set forth foreign researcher’s obligations in Indonesia. Here are some of the said obligations.
- The foreign researcher must submit a full report to the State Ministry of Research and Technology after the research application has been approved in order to receive preliminary letters addressed to the stakeholders and Research Permit Card;
- The foreign researcher must make pre-project consultations with his/her counterpart before starting the research;
- The foreign researcher must perform good/ agreeable manner, tolerant, and obey all custom rules in every area in Indonesia;
- The foreign researcher should make an agreement between the State Ministry of Research and Technology and counterpart which refer to the existing Indonesia’s positive law if there is any patent, intellectual property rights, brand, and registered mark as research result;
- The foreign researcher has to submit three copies of the research result include thesis/dissertation, paper, report, or other forms of publication to the State Ministry of Research and Technology;
- Any publications to be issued in Indonesia must receive permission from the State Ministry of Research and Technology prior to publicising registration itself.
On the other hand, local counterparts are also assigned with several rights and obligations to be paid attention to and followed in the course of research. Here are some of the said rights and obligations.
- The counterpart should help the foreign researcher, giving a technical direction, support, and effort during his/ her research in Indonesia;
- The counterpart must take active responsibility and giving guidance to foreign researcher during his/ her research;
- The counterpart might ask one or more Indonesian researcher to help foreign researcher’s fieldwork;
- The counterpart must involve/becoming the starter party in preparing Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) and data sharing referring to International and National legal aspects;
- The counterpart could make an agreement with foreign researcher in term of co-authorship of patent, Intellectual Property Rights, and any publications such as books, journals, scientific magazines;
- The counterpart must report to the State Ministry of Research and Technology if his/ her foreign researcher partner leaves Indonesia.
Foreign academicians and researchers who are interested in conducting research project in Indonesia and collaborating with academicians and researchers representing local institutions in Indonesia, including Gadjah Mada University (UGM), may access more detailed information regarding procedures of conducting research in Indonesia—information regarding permit for Temporary Recess, Resuming and Completion of Research; request for extension of research period; Material Transfer Agreement (MTA); research vessel; and permit processing fee, among others—here.
Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia Merilis Prosedur Penyelenggaraan Riset di Indonesia: Kesempatan bagi Peneliti Asing Semakin Terbuka!
Saat ini, pintu semakin terbuka lebar bagi aneka institusi pendidikan tinggi, institusi riset, hingga individu-individu peneliti asing untuk melaksanakan program-program risetnya di Indonesia dalam rangka menumbuhkan dan menyuburkan aktivitas-aktivitas Riset dan Pengembangan (Research & Development) serta membangun kerja sama transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi antar negara. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tahun 2006 yang meregulasi aktivitas riset oleh pihak-pihak asing di Indonesia serta mengharuskan para peneliti asing untuk menyelenggarakan risetnya secara kolaboratif dengan melibatkan peneliti-peneliti lokal yang merepresentasikan institusi pendidikan tinggi lokal, institusi riset, atau Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) lokal yang berkompetensi dalam topik-topik riset yang bersangkutan.
Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia (Kemlu) telah mempublikasikan rangkaian prosedur penyelenggaraan riset oleh peneliti asing di Indonesia, mulai dari prosedur pengajuan izin riset hingga prosedur permohonan perpanjangan periode riset. Oleh setiap peneliti berkewarganegaraan asing yang berencana menyelenggarakan riset di wilayah teritorial Indonesia, disebutkan oleh Kemlu, permohonan izin riset harus diajukan terlebih dahulu kepada Menteri Riset dan Teknologi RI dengan melampirkan setidaknya 15 dokumen, yakni.
- Surat Permohonan resmi yang ditujukan kepada Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi dengan alamat Sekretaris Menteri Riset dan Teknologi RI;
- 6 (enam) salinan proposal riset yang setidaknya mengandung judul, tujuan, metodologi dan konsep, lokasi, dan durasi riset di Indonesia;
- 6 (enam) salinan abstraksi dari proposal riset;
- 6 (enam) salinan Curriculum Vitae (CV) dari peneliti yang memasukkan daftar publikasi peneliti;
- 4 (empat) foto profil peneliti close-up terbaru (4×6 cm) berlatar belakang merah;
- 6 (enam) salinan passport peneliti yang berlaku hingga setidaknya 6 bulan setelah penyelesaian riset di Indonesia;
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dan Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) antara peneliti dan kandidat rekan peneliti berkewarganegaraan Indonesia, jika peneliti berencana mengambil sampel atau spesimen penelitian untuk dianalisis, baik di negara asal maupun di Indonesia;
- 2 (dua) Surat Rekomendasi dari profesor atau peneliti senior/supervisor;
- Surat rekognisi resmi dari institusi atau universitas asal peneliti;
- Surat Rekomendasi dari Kantor Representasi Indonesia (Kedutaan Besar Indonesia atau Konsulat Jenderal);
- Surat dukungan yang ditulis oleh institusi rekan peneliti berkewarganegaraan Indonesia;
- Surat keterangan sehat yang menyatakan bahwa peneliti mampu secara fisik maupun mental untuk menyelenggarakan riset;
- Surat penjaminan yang menyatakan bahwa peneliti memiliki dana yang memadai untuk membiayai riset dan kebutuhan hidup selama penyelenggaraan riset;
- Daftar peralatan dan perlengkapan riset yang akan dibawa ke Indonesia; serta
- Jika akan membawa anggota keluarga lain ke Indonesia, peneliti diwajibkan menyertakan salinan dokumen pernikahan, akta kelahiran anak, salinan passport dari masing-masing anggota keluarga, dan 4 (empat) foto close-up terbaru dari setiap anggota keluarga.
Selanjutnya, Kemlu menginstruksikan bahwa sesampainya di Indonesia, peneliti asing wajib melapor ke Sekretariat Izin Riset Asing di Gedung BPPT II dan mengisi form yang disediakan di sekretariat. Tak lama, tepatnya dalam jangka waktu 1×24 jam hari kerja, peneliti asing kemudian akan menerima sejumlah dokumen dari sekretariat, di antaranya Surat Izin Riset dan Kartu Izin Riset; Surat Permohonan Izin Perjalanan; Surat Permohonan Pemberitahuan Penelitian; salinan dari Surat Lapor Diri; surat permohonan KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) untuk diajukan dan dilaporkan di Kantor Imigrasi lokal di mana riset akan dilaksanakan; dan surat permohonan SLKD. Setelah melengkapi seluruh berkas yang disyaratkan dan menerima dokumen-dokumen tersebut dari Sekretariat Izin Riset Asing, barulah peneliti asing dapat menyelenggarakan risetnya di Indonesia.
Selain prosedur mendetail mengenai pengajuan permohonan izin riset di Indonesia serta langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan peneliti asing pasca kedatangan di Indonesia, Kemlu turut menguraikan apa saja yang menjadi kewajiban dari peneliti asing di Indonesia. Beberapa kewajiban tersebut, di antaranya.
- Peneliti asing wajib mengumpulkan laporan lengkap kepada Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi RI setelah lamaran riset disetujui agar dapat menerima surat-surat preliminer yang ditujukan untuk para pemangku kepentingan dan Kartu Izin Riset;
- Peneliti asing wajib mengadakan konsultasi pra-proyek bersama rekan risetnya sebelum memulai riset;
- Setiap peneliti asing wajib memelihara perilaku baik, toleran, dan taat pada seluruh aturan atau hukum kebiasaan yang berlaku di setiap daerah di Indonesia;
- Peneliti asing perlu membuat kesepakatan antara Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi RI dan rekan peneliti lokal dengan merujuk pada hukum positif yang berlaku di Indonesia apabila terdapat paten, Hak Properti Intelektual, merek, maupun merek terdaftar yang menjadi luaran dari program riset;
- Peneliti asing harus mengumpulkan tiga salinan dari hasil riset yang mencakup tesis/disertasi, makalah, laporan, atau bentuk-bentuk publikasi lain kepada Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi RI;
- Setiap publikasi yang diterbitkan di Indonesia harus menerima izin dari Kementerian RIset dan Teknologi sebelum pendaftaran publikasi dilakukan.
Di sisi lain, beberapa hak dan kewajiban rekan peneliti lokal yang perlu diketahui dan dipatuhi, antara lain mencakup.
- Rekan peneliti lokal harus membantu peneliti asing, memberikan arahan teknis, mendukung, dan turut berupaya membantu berjalannya program riset di Indonesia;
- Rekan peneliti lokal harus melaksanakan tanggung jawab aktif dan memberikan bimbingan kepada peneliti asing selama riset berjalan;
- Rekan peneliti lokal diperbolehkan untuk meminta satu atau lebih peneliti berkewarganegaraan Indonesia lain untuk membantu studi lapangan dari peneliti asing;
- Rekan peneliti lokal wajib terlibat atau menjadi pihak pencetus dalam mempersiapkan Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) dan distribusi akses data dengan merujuk pada aspek-aspek Internasional dan Nasional;
- Rekan peneliti lokal dapat membuat kesepakatan dengan peneliti asing dalam hal penulisan bersama dari suatu paten, Hak Properti Intelektual, dan aneka publikasi, di antaranya buku, jurnal, dan majalah-majalah saintifik;
- Rekan peneliti lokal wajib melapor kepada Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi RI apabila rekan peneliti asingnya telah meninggalkan Indonesia.
Bagi seluruh akademisi dan peneliti asing yang tertarik untuk menyelenggarakan riset di Indonesia dan berkolaborasi dengan akademisi dan peneliti representasi dari institusi-institusi lokal di Indonesia, termasuk Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), lebih banyak informasi terperinci mengenai prosedur pelaksanaan riset di Indonesia—di antaranya, menyangkut izin reses sementara, izin melanjutkan, atau menyelesaikan riset; permohonan perpanjangan periode riset; Material Transfer Agreement (MTA); kapal riset; dan biaya pemrosesan izin riset—dapat diakses di sini.
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