Greetings from Singapore University of Social Sciences!, Singapore
The Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) is a university with a rich heritage in providing lifelong, learner-centric, and industry-relevant education. The University mission is to champion lifelong education to develop future thinkers and leaders to their fullest potential through the 3H’s education philosophy: ‘Head’ for professional competency with applied knowledge, ‘Heart’ for social awareness of the needs of the society, and ‘Habit’ for passion towards lifelong learning.
We are pleased to inform you that the Application for the #CONVERGE2 Short Program at Singapore University of Social Sciences is now open for Universitas Gadjah Mada students.
With the success of SUSS’s first virtual program in June, the Centre for Experiential Learning would like to extend an invitation to your students from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to join our second run — #CONVERGE2. This program will be held virtually from 30 November to 18 December 2020.
Students will be able to form friendships, learn, and collaborate with undergraduates from other nations. This program is specially curated for all undergraduates passionate about Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainable & Ethical Business Development, and Community Development.
From now till 8 November, SUSS is pleased to offer your students a special early-bird promotion of S$150 (U.PS$170). Scholarships are also available for outstanding ASEAN students.
More information and registration
Highlights and testimonials of our June virtual program.
- 3rd to 6th-semester undergraduate students (S1)
- Enrolled in Universitas Gadjah Mada during the program
- Be proficient in English. Non-native English speakers must have a score of at least TOEFL ITP 550, TOEFL iBT 79 or IELTS 6.5.
Required Documents*
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation Letter
- Official Academic Transcript record
- Study Plan
- A recommendation letter from an academic supervisor
- Letter of Enrollment from Faculty
- Letter of Nomination from Faculty (addressed to the Head of Office of International Affairs UGM)
- English Language Proficiency Certificate
- All the document listed as required on the link here
- Copy of passport photo identification page
- Passport picture
- Confirmation Letter of Participation (download)
Application Procedure
- You may proceed to the online application at the Singapore University of Social Sciences website on the given link above.
- To get official nominations from the UGM, Submit the *aforementioned documents and document that you have uploaded to the registration link to UGM International Exposure Application Form: http://ugm.id/IntExposureApplication no later November 22nd
- The FINAL decision from Singapore University of Social Sciences
- In the meantime, the students are required to keep the hard file of all documents until further notice by the Office of International Affairs.
- In case the faculty could not provide the letter of enrollment and nomination during this period, the official nomination through email from the faculty is acceptable. The official nomination could be delivered to head-oia@ugm.ac.id (cc to scholarship@ugm.ac.id)
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