Warmest greeting from Nuffic Neso Indonesia!
Nuffic Neso Indonesia is a non-profit organization that is officially assigned and funded by the Government of the Netherlands as a representation of Holland Higher Education in Indonesia. The activities of Nuffic Neso Indonesia include providing information about education in the Netherlands for the citizen of Indonesia, assisting any Holland Institution in accomplishing their activities in Indonesia. Nuffic Neso Indonesia also hold sholarship programs for the citizen of Indonesia in cooperating with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Indonesia.
Considering all scholarship opportunities for post graduate education offered by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, a PhD Recruitment is conceived to assist the prospective students to get a letter of acceptance from Holland universities. In cooperating with Academic Transfer, Nuffic Neso Indonesia invites professors from Holland universities to complete the PhD Recruitment on November 16th, 2019 at Pusat Kebudayaan Belanda Erasmus Huis, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3, Kuningan, Jakarta.
Further information regarding the PhD Recruitment 2019 and registration forms can be accessed through Nuffic Neso Indonesia official website bit.ly/phdr2019 or email info@nesoindonesia.or.id or telephone on (021) 50858787 ext. 200.
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