Kyushu University give opportunity to UGM Students interested participating in the Kyushu University Student Exchange Programs
1.Japan in Today’s World (JTW)
The Tokyo Foundation presents The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leadership Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) for students who are pursuing graduate studies in humanities and social sciences disciplines. Since 1987, SYLFF has been nurturing 15,000 students from diverse nationalities and ethnicities in 69 universities and consortia in 44 countries to be future leaders who are ready to challenge global issues.
This year SYLFF continues to financially support lecturers and administrative staffs who wish to conduct Master programs in Universitas Gadjah Mada. Fellowship grantees will also be given an opportunity to carry out research in the universities which belong to SYLFF university fellowship scheme for 3 months.
Master Program
UGM-SYLFF Fellowship Master Program requirements:
Step 1*
Send your CV/resume and motivation essay (+/- 250 words: strengths, weaknesses, two desired positions with reason) to no later than Saturday, 6th June 2015 11:59 PM.
– Active student of UGM
– Good English skills for Liaisons Officer
Step 2
Selected candidates will get an invitation to attend the interview session on Monday, 8th June 2015 at the Office of International Affairs.
Step 3
Those who are accepted will be notified by email on Wednesday 10th June 2015, and shall be invited into the first meeting on Thursday, 11th June 2015.
Available Positions:
-Finance and Sponsorship
– Decoration and logistic
– Liaisons officer
– Media and publication
– Safety and security
Further queries regarding the registration, please contact:
Ayu (087738227557) or Sakti (085786779342)
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) alumni or staff who wish to apply for a full scholarship to pursue postgraduate studies at Oxbridge.
How to apply?
Application forms can be obtained at Office of International Affairs UGM (Bulaksumur, F13). Applicants must fill in the application form [download: 2016 UGM Scheme Application Form] and submit it together with the following:
(i) CV / Résumé;
(ii) letter(s) of recommendation;
(iii) two recent passport-size photographs; and
(iv) certified copies of all relevant academic qualifications.
Please address your application to Office of International Affairs UGM (Bulaksumur, F13).
Deadline July 5th, 2015.
For More Information
Any inquiries regarding to this event, please send email to :
Office of International Affairs UGM are pleased to invite UGM students from any faculty/department to attend event:
Ambassadorial Lecture: Bilateral Relations between Indonesia and Korea
Date : Tuesday, 5th May 2015
Time : 14.00-15.30
Venue : Ruang Seminar Timur, FISIPOL UGM
For registration please fill forms below:
India Embassy, OIA UGM, ISI Yogykarata, and PKKH UGM proudly presents:
Festival of India in Indonesia 2015
“Chhau Garuda Vasuki: Mahanyak Garuda”
Tari Topeng dan Pertunjukan Boneka/Masked Dances and Puppet Shows
Wednesday, 06th May 2015
19.00 WIB – 20.30 WIB
Pusat Kebudayaan Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri
Universitas Gadjah Mada
(PKKH UGM) Purna Budaya
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