[Scholarship offered for this program]
[Scholarship offered for this program]
[This program is self-funded]
Creativity is transforming imaginative ideas into practical and valuable products. These creative works can be found in science, technology, music, dance, art, designs, literature, or education, or in a multitude of other areas. At the Hanyang ERICA International Winter School, creativity takes the form of refreshing study abroad experience referred to as “edutainment”. Come join us at HEIWS for our enlightening curriculum, entertaining excursions, and overall memorable experiences. ERICA, Creativity, And You
Program Brochure: 2017-hy-erica-winter-school_en
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Fukuoka Women’s University is offering its short-term study abroad program to ambitious international female students focusing on Japanese culture from September, 2017 to August, 2018. The students can choose to participate in the program for either 1 year or 1 semester (starting September 2017 or April 2018).
The WJC program was established in 2010 as a milestone in the Fukuoka Women’s University’s internationalization effort. The program grants participants from each partner university a scholarship. Based on the availability of student positions and the number of applications from partner universities, a total of 25 to 30 students will be selected as participants. Only female students are eligible for WJC.
It is desirable (and important for us to maintain diversity of a student body) that applicants come from various academic fields, such as liberal arts, social sciences and natural sciences as well as Japanese studies majors.
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[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Info Session: Finland University yang akan membahas tentang kesempatan studi di Finlandia dan beasiswa yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan konsorsium Finland University.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Kamis, 24 November 2016,
Pukul : 09.00 WIB,
Tempat : Djarum Hall, Pertamina Tower, FEB UGM (6th floor).
Register at: ugm.id/finlanduniversity
[Scholarship Offered for this program]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
This is to inform you of an opportunity for students under a Master’s program in development practice to undergo a funded research internship/practicum in IFAD projects.
This is an IFAD-funded project that the Columbia University is leading. FYI, SEARCA was part of a consortium led by SupAgro Montpellier that submitted a bid proposal for this same project but the consortium led by Columbia University was awarded the grant. Nevertheless, Columbia University approached SEARCA to tie up with our University Consortium to implement the program.
Each Master’s student that would qualify for the grant would receive a grant of USD5,000 and would spend up to 3 months in one of the IFAD research project sites. However, only master’s students of member universities of the Global MDP Consortium can qualify. Universities may qualify for membership if they have a Masters in Development Practice Program or its equivalent, where the applicant-student must be enrolled. If there are none, the Global MDP Consortium can give one-year support to the university to enable it to institute a MDP program.
Attached an Infographic that would give you an overview of this project >>> new-ifad-universities-win-win-partnership
Visit their website at www.mdpglobal.org
Berdasarkan hasil seleksi internal UGM program pertukaran pelajar ke Masaryk University (Czech Republic) melalui skema beasiswa Erasmus+, berikut ini adalah nama-nama peserta lolos seleksi yang telah dinominasikan:
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM dan Global Engagement Office Fisipol UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika UGM pada khususnya, dan mahasiswa dari universitas lain pada umumnya untuk menghadiri Ambassadorial Lecture yang akan disampaikan oleh HM Moazzam Malik selaku Duta Besar Inggris untuk Indonesia, ASEAN, dan Timor Leste dengan tema “Education and Tolerance/Pluralism: Collaboration between UK and Indonesia”.
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