[Scholarship is offered for this program]
We are pleased to announce that Osaka University is inviting applications for Osaka University Exchange Program for 2018. We are accepting a few full-time undergraduate and/or graduate students from your institution under the student exchange agreement between Osaka University and your institution.
Osaka University Fact Sheet (A) OsakaU_Factsheet_2018-19
—— For Undergraduate and Master ——
The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) accepts exchange students from partner universities with which the University has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding concerning student exchange. Exchange studentscan choose between the Type G and Type U programs.The Type G program is designed for graduate students. Type G participants will belong to one of the Graduate Schools which they applied for and be able to take various courses or conduct research under the guidance offaculty members. The Type U program is designed for undergraduate students to take various courses given in English and/orJapanese in the various Faculties in accordance with their English and/or Japanese language proficiency.
Information about USTEP:http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/academics/ustep-overview.html
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