SEAGULL is an exclusive leadership development experience hosted by the Institute for Societal Leadership under Singapore Management University. Southeast Asia needs a new generation who understands that leadership is not confined to political office or the highest echelons of the business world, but thrives in the hearts and minds of the purposeful. SEAGULL will convene the next generation of societal leaders for the most populous and promising region in the world. You will be part of an outstanding SEAGULL network.
The ASEAN Conference on Accounting Education 2015 (ACAE 2015) envisions to be the platform for academic discussions, sharing and exchanging of views on current issues and methods of solving issues in accounting education around the world focusing on global and glocal challenges faced by accounting education in this century.
It is open to local and international academia, researchers, policy makers, accounting professional bodies and ‘stakeholders’ who have an interest in the field of accounting education. From the presentations and exchange of views with international professional groups on current issues, we can gain knowledge which, subsequently, could be useful for teaching and learning. The Conference will also help build a closer network between industry and universities, bridging the gap between theory and practice.
- Facilitate dialogue and on-site projects that connect the participants and the local community
- Train the participants to enhance their creative thinking and hands-on skills by offering a programme which integrates social, economic, environmental, technological and artistic elements
- Create models and software prototypes for the local community which enhance heritage preservation in the process of urbanisation (e.g. mobile applications, websites, business plans, open source codes, etc.)
- Produce an e-publication and multimedia online-databank which include best practises, recommendations and the deliverables from the project
The topic of the future of cities is high on the cultural agenda of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), as evidenced by the focus of recent ASEM Culture Ministers’ Meetings. AU19 addresses this ASEM priority and will also build on ASEF’s previous work on urban heritage management including ASEF Experts’ Meetings and Public Forums on:
GATE is an Erasmus Mundus mobility project funded by the European Commission (2012 – 2016). It will provide 103 scholarships to students at all levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD, post-doc researchers and staff) from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia,Thailand and Vietnam to the European consortium partners.
The SHAPE-SEA Program aims to develop the capacity of universities in ASEAN and the Southeast Asian region to contribute to the improvement of human rights and peace situation in Southeast Asia through applied research and education. The program has three streams:
• Applied Research
• Publications and Public Relations
• Capacity Building and Outreach
SHAPE-SEA is a collaboration of the ASEAN University Network- Human Rights Education (AUN-
HRE) and the Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN). It is hosted by the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies of Mahidol University, Thailand, and it is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
Who can apply?
Academics from the ASEAN University Network (AUN) and Southeast Asia Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN) to strengthen teaching experiences and undertake research relevant to the research themes at a member institution.
One Academic Research Exchange will be supported in 2015
Four Academic Research Exchanges in 2016
✦The Academic Research Exchange will be within the ASEAN University Network and the SEAHRN University Network;
✦The duration of the exchange must be a minimum of one month and be completed in three months;
✦Exchanges are research based Steering Committee.
Expected Outputs
One month exchange: At least one Lecture/Seminar delivered/conducted at the host university
Two month exchange: At least two Lectures/Seminars delivered/conducted at the host university
Three month exchange: At least one lecture/Seminar delivered/ conducted at the Host University and one research paper of publishable standards to be submitted to the Publications team
Research outputs which include the following, in addition to a research papers, will be viewed positively:
Policy impact briefs, texts for use in university classrooms, specialist guides (for civil society, students, policy makers etc), new media outputs such as blog posts and web pages, and other academic output which contributes to the understanding peace and human rights in Southeast Asia.
Individual applicant criteria
Academics from the ASEAN University Network and SEAHRN university network are encouraged to apply. Individuals must fit one of following criteria:
• Full-time or part-time academics employed in the ASEAN University Network, or
• Working at a research institute in the SEAHRN University Network
• Academics on sabbatical will be considered and will need to provide a letter for permission of absence from the
Research proposal: 1000 words
Researchers must submit a proposal of about 1,000 words and it will contain the following:
Step 1*
Send your CV/resume and motivation essay (+/- 250 words: strengths, weaknesses, two desired positions with reason) to no later than Saturday, 6th June 2015 11:59 PM.
– Active student of UGM
– Good English skills for Liaisons Officer
Step 2
Selected candidates will get an invitation to attend the interview session on Monday, 8th June 2015 at the Office of International Affairs.
Step 3
Those who are accepted will be notified by email on Wednesday 10th June 2015, and shall be invited into the first meeting on Thursday, 11th June 2015.
Available Positions:
-Finance and Sponsorship
– Decoration and logistic
– Liaisons officer
– Media and publication
– Safety and security
Further queries regarding the registration, please contact:
Ayu (087738227557) or Sakti (085786779342)
The world needs more engineers, and that means engineers who represent the full spectrum of individuals within our global community.
Airbus and the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) created the GEDC Airbus Diversity Award in 2013 to recognise people whose efforts are making engineering schools more diverse and inclusive. Our aim is to shine a light on good practise around the world and inspire others to take up this challenge.
The 3rd Advanced Summer School on Humanitarian Supply Chain Management and Logistics, to be held in Yogyakarta from 6th to 10th of July 2015, is the manifestation of the ever-closer relationship and cooperation between NOHA AISBL and Universitas Gadjah Mada. Already for a period of eight years NOHA AISBL has worked closely together with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Republic of Indonesia. Thanks to the Directorate General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection and the Directorate General Education and Culture (Erasmus Mundus), both European Commission, as well as the European NOHA Universities this cooperation blossoms.
The deepening relationship has resulted in dozens of staff and student exchanges, in thesis research being accompanied by UGM professors in situ and in collaboration towards joint doctorate research. By co-jointly organizing a high profile summer school NOHA and UGM set the next step to an activities-based relationship – as dictated by NOHA’s global strategy – aimed for increased academic humanitarian research and aimed at contemporary relevance for humanitarian practice. The University of Groningen have been mandated by the NOHA Board of Directors to organize this school together with UGM, its scholars from various faculties, the Programme on Humanitarian Action (POHA) and its International Office. The target audience constitutes a mix of students, academics, officials and practitioners; familiar as well as unfamiliar with the subject, both from Indonesia itself, the larger Asia region and from international organisations.
Chulalongkorn University will work closely with UNESCO Bangkok, the AUN and other partners to identify and recruit recognized academic experts. This open call also invites abstracts (maximum 500 words) and full papers of approximately 5000-7000 words that (subject to peer review and revision) will be result in book chapters and/or appear in published proceedings. The extended DEADLINE for ABSTRACTS is 15 June 2015. Paper submission guidelines will be provided for proceedings and peer review upon accepted abstracts. Abstract submissions should be made on the UNESCO Bangkok (RUSHSAP) web site following format and instructions there ( )
TRAVEL GRANTS will be provided for scholars from Southeast Asia or the ASEAN region with accepted abstracts to present FULL PAPERS ONLY unless other arrangments are made. Others outside the region may submit abstracts or present papers but if accepted must self-finance their own travel. Academic papers may variously explore:
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