Higher education institutions are the resources of the country, which are responsible for the production of graduates to feed into the labor market of the country. They also serve as a source of new knowledge to convey to the society through the production quality researches that are efficient for the technical implementation under the policy focus of the National Economic and Social Development Plan, National Research Development Plan, and University Development Plan. As a result, higher education institutions have to manage to promote and support instructors, researchers, and staff to build the capacity to do research, as well as promote research and networking with other external institutions to jointly produce quality researches and creative works that meet the needs of the wider society and bring benefits to the public.
Kantor urusan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerja sama dengan SUN Education.. turut mengundang anda sekalian untuk menghadiri acara pameran pendidikan luar negeri yang akan di selenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Minggu, 24 January 2016
Pukul : 14.00-09.18.00 WIB
Venue : Crowne Plaza Hotel,Semarang
Acara ini gratis dan terbuka untuk umum, dan untuk semua jenjang..
Panitia juga menyediakan kendaraan gratis untuk menghadiri acara tersebut yang bertempat di semarang. Untuk itu di wajibkan untuk konfirmasi dengan menghubungi nomor telp.
Davina A : +628562930016 atau dengan mengirimkan E-mail ke alamat : davinazalia@ugm.ac.id
Don’t Miss it!!!
We are pleased to announce the Call for Applications in the SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Grants 2015-2016. Each grant is for total amount of US$5.000 and is open to outstanding Southeast Asia academics Championing inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development. which is the priority thus of SEARCA for its current Five-year Plan.
The following are the guidelines of the SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Grant:
The awardees must meet the following criteria:
Call for expression of interest in
IFS-SEARCA Collaborative Research Grants 2016
Focusing on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
IFS and SEARCA announce a call for Collaborative Research Proposals from early-career scientists in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam, with a focus on research on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCHAM) as it relates to agriculture and rural development. Interested young researchers from these countries are invited to express their interest to participate in the development of collaborative research proposals by filling out the expression of interest form here:
Those who express interest will be invited to join an online collaborative environment that is being used for this project. You do not need to know any collaborators before expressing interest. The purpose of the online environment is for researchers to find and get to know suitable collaborators, create research teams of three to five collaborators, and prepare proposals for submission to IFS. Further instructions will follow to those who register interest to participate.
The total value of a Collaborative Research Grant will be between USD 45-75,000. This breaks down to 80% for research and 20% for team coordination and collaboration activities. The actual value of a grant and the distribution of the grant money among the team members will be determined by need, the size of the team and the team’s budget.
Eligibility criteria:
1. You are a citizen of Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste or Vietnam and are carrying out your research in any of these countries
2. You have a Masters or PhD degree (or equivalent academic degree)
3. You are doing/will do research on some aspects of CCHAM
4. For first time grant applicants, men should be younger than 35; women should be younger than 40 years of age
5. For those who already had a grant from SEARCA and IFS, you may participate in this programme and apply for a Collaborative Research Grant provided SEARCA and IFS have accepted your report on the previous Grant, no later than the closing date for application submissions for this programme
6. You are attached to a university, national research institution or a research oriented and not-for-profit NGO
Expression of Interest form: http://ifs.se/crg-forms/crg-2016-expression-of-interest.html
Deadline for submission: 31st January, 2016
More details about IFS Collaborative Research Grants
For details of the SEARCA Umbrella Program on CCHAM, please follow this link:
AIF is a think tank, established by the central bank of Malaysia. AIF is committed to producing world-class applied research and thought leadership in the areas of human capital development and talent management with a focus on the financial services industry across Asia. Our approach is distinctively Asian. Our research projects and case studies address current and emerging issues in:
Tamkang University is Scheduled to host the Third Tamkang World Forum for Youth Leader from January 18 Through 23, 2016. The theme of the forum will be “Prospect for the World: Meeting Challenges with Vision”. The discussions are expected to be on such questions as peace, democracy, governance, economy, ecology, environment, culture,Society, and Globalization.
Information Day (Meet Representatives from|UK|USA|Australia)
Hari/tanggal : Jum’at, 20 November 2015
Pukul : 09.00-09.30 – Seminar “Access to Scholarship”
09.30-14.00 – Consultation Session with University Representatives
Venue : Auditorium Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Gadjah Mada
Acara ini gratis dan terbuka untuk umum, terbuka untuk semua jenjang baik D3,S1, S2 dan S3.Dapatkan informasi menarik mengenai beasiswa dan perkuliahan dari berbagai universitas di Australia, UK, dan USA. Don’t miss it!!
Take the challenge, prove your skills, and start your career at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden.
We would like to invite you in the event of Study in Sweeden Campus Tour. This event will be held on:
Date : Monday, 02 November 2015
Time : 13.00 -16.00 WIB
Venue : KPFT Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
Meet with five leading Swedish Universities and find out about 900 Master Programmes offered in English in Sweden. DON’T MISS IT!
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