On behalf of Humanitarian Affairs and the Vietnam Government, we would like to cordially invite UGM students to attend the 7th University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Hanoi, Vietnam from August 1st to the 7th, in 2016.
The Symposium brings together over 1,000 delegates from more than 60 countries, to partake in this life changing opportunity. The 7th USLS; Inspiring Individuals, Transforming Communities, will reinforce the idea of Global Citizenship by connecting like-minded individuals from different cultures and backgrounds. Furthermore, influential humanitarian leaders will inspire delegates to identify themselves as Global Citizens through the stories they share and the humanitarian conflicts they present. The USLS will also provide student leaders with the knowledge to take actions that benefit communities in need.
The Symposium will invite over 8 world-renowned speakers to highlight the humanitarian issues the world faces today. The influential leaders that delegates will have the privilege to learn from, during the program, will include an American Nobel Peace Prize finalist, several TED Talk speakers and founders of accomplished NGOs. To name a few, Tim Peters is an American Nobel Peace Prize finalist and the world’s most visible advocate for human rights in North Korea. Peters will return this year to the USLS to address the challenges he overcame to gain the American government’s approval for the first North Korean refugee. Delegates will also hear from Susan Hammond, a daughter of a United States Vietnam Veteran and a leading expert on Agent Orange.
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 1st, 2016
Berikut daftar pendaftar yang dipersilahkan untuk menghadiri acara Ambassadorial Public Lecture oleh Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia, yang akan di laksanakan pada
Hari,tanggal : Senin, 11 April 2016
Pukul : 09.00-10.30 (Gate Closed at 08.45 )
Tempat : Balai Senat Gedung Pusat UGM lantai 2 sayap utara.
Kantor urusan international UGM kembali mengadakan acara yang tidak kalah menarik dengan acara-acara sebelumnya. Sehubungan dengan acara tersebut kami turut mengundang seluruh Civitas Akademika UGM untuk menghadiri acara Public Lecture yang akan di selenggarakan pada:
Hari,tanggal : Selasa 12 April 2016
Tempat : Balai Senat Gedung Pusat UGM lantai 2 Sayap Utara
Agenda : Public Lecture oleh Gordon Hewitt dengan tema “Bringing the Gap between Higher Education and Industry”
Untuk pendaftaran dipersilahkan mendaftar pada link berikut
Universitas Gadjah Mada akan menerima kunjungan dari Robert O. Blake, Jr. yang merupakan Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia. Berkaitan dengan kunjungan tersebut Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas UGM, untuk menghadiri acara AMBASSADORIAL PUBLIC LECTURE yang bertemakan “Trade and Developing Digital Economy in Indonesia” yang menghadirkan pembicara Robert O. Blake, Jr. yang merupakan Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia. Acara tersebut akan dilaksanakan pada:
- ALFALINK is the first Indonesian education consultant that obtained the ‘Qualified Education Agent Counselor’ (QEAC).
- ALFALINK is granted by the Australian Embassy an access to process student visa electronically which is called e-visa. This is truly a privilege because not all education consultants can provide this service.
- ALFALINK has also been appointed by Educational Testing Service (ETS) as an ETS Authorized TOEFL iBT® Test Center. The test is acceptable worldwide and is used as one of the admission requirements of overseas university.
- ALFALINK has been appointed by Yayasan Dewan Inggris Indonesia as authorized IELTS registration agent (
- ALFALINK always gives the first priority on giving quality service and quick, accurate, reliable information.
- Every counselor of ALFALINK actively participates in various trainings held by Australian Education Centre, AMINEF, Singapore Tourism Board, Canada Education Centre, and many more organizations. The counselors also join international workshops and trainings held in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States of America and other countries to further broaden their horizon and gain experience in giving the best assistance to each individual student.
- ALFALINK also offers services for free to students in terms of consultation, university application process, visa application, airlines ticket reservations, accommodation hunting, and airport pick-up service arrangement.
In this good opportunity, ALFALINK is going to visit Universitas Gadjah Mada to do the socialization about overseas scholarship, and offers UGM students to join them on :
Gabungan perguruan tinggi dan universitas di Swedia mengadakan Information Session untuk sharing tentang perkuliahan dan program-program yang tersedia di universitas dan perguruan tinggi di Swedia, Tertarik? Segera daftarkan diri kamu.!! Jangan sampai ketinggalan!!
Universitas Gadjah Mada bermaksud mengundang teman-teman untuk hadir dalam acara :
Study in Sweden Campus Tour.
Hari : Selasa, 15 Maret 2016
Pukul : 13:.00-16.00 WIB
Venue : Balai Senat UGM, Gedung Pusat lantai 2 sayap utara
Acara ini gratis dan terbuka untuk semua jenjang. Dapatkan informasi menarik mengenai perkuliahan di Swedia, serta informasi menarik dari universitas yang ternama .Manfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk bertemu langsung dengan perwakilannya serta membuka wawasan kalian untuk kuliah di luar negeri
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