Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Info Session: Queen Mary University of London yang akan membahas tentang kesempatan studi maupun tawaran beasiswa di Inggris yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari Queen University of London.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Senin, 13 Februari 2017,
Pukul : 10.30 WIB,
Tempat : Ruang Multimedia, Gedung Pusat UGM lt.3, Sayap Utara.
Tempat terbatas.
Silahkan mendaftar di: ugm.id/queenmary
[Scholarship offered for this program]
— For UGM Lecturer only —
SHAPE SEA is pleased to call for participants to the Lecturer Training on Teaching Human Rights. The training will develop lecturer skills and knowledge for teaching human rights at the undergraduate and graduate level.
The objectives are:
• Improve lecturer knowledge on fundamental concepts and theories, standards and protection of human rights
• Develop skills for teaching human rights in the university
• Introduce lecturers to textbooks and other resources for teaching human rights
• Outline methods of assessment and evaluation of students of human rights
Program Brochure: Application form-Lecturer training on HR-final Call for Participants for Lecturer Training-Teaching HR-final (1)
Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia (PCMI) Jogja bekerjasama dengan Kantor Urusan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) akan mengadakan Roadshow Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) 2017. Roadshow ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai kegiatan Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara yang didanai oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Indonesia setiap tahunnya, serta untuk berbagi tips persiapan menjelang seleksi.
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Scholarship Session: ASEA-UNINET Ernst Macht Grant yang akan membahas tentang beasiswa post-graduate dan post-doctoral yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari ASEA UNINET.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Jum’at, 3 Februari 2017,
Pukul : 13.30 WIB,
Tempat : IT Corner p5.2, Pertamina Tower, lantai 5, FEB UGM.
Tempat terbatas.
Info lebih lanjut tentang ASEA-UNINET Ernst Macht Grant: http://asea-uninet.org/87.ernst-mach-grant-emg/
Silahkan mendaftar di: ugm.id/aseauninet
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Info Session: Schwarzman Scholars yang akan membahas tentang Beasiswa S2 (one year master degree) bidang Public Policy, Economics and Business, dan International Studies di Tsinghua University, Beijing, China yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari Schwarzman.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Kamis, 16 Februari 2017,
Pukul : 14.00 WIB,
Tempat : Ruang Multimedia, Gedung Utama UGM, lt.3 Sayap Utara.
Tempat terbatas. Hanya tersedia 60 kursi.
Info lebih lanjut tentang Schwarzman Scholars: http://schwarzmanscholars.org/
Silahkan mendaftar di: ugm.id/schwarzman
Herewith a poster of Technology & Innovation Awards 2017 of Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Application/self-nomination is invited from interested faculties, researchers, and students for the different Technology & Innovation Awards, which will be given during 2017 at the time of convocation.
The last date for submission of application(s)/nomination(s) is March 31, 2017.
Details can also be download from institute website: http://iitr.ac.in/research/pages/Research+Research_Awards_2017.html
We are delighted to inform you that Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with International Peace Foundation is organizing the Nobel Laureates Lecture Series in Yogyakarta as part of the 6th ASEAN BRIDGES Events in Indonesia – Dialogues Toward a Culture of Peace. Within this event, Universitas Gadjah Mada attempts to establish long-term relationships through the Nobel Laureates by enhancing science, technology and education as a basis for peace and development also to lead a better cooperation for the advancement of peace, freedom and security in Indonesia.
The 8th Shelf Life International Meeting (SLIM 2017) will be held on 1-3 November 2017 at the Sukosol Hotel, BANGKOK, THAILAND. The aim of this conference is to be an international forum to share the most recent knowledge related to shelf life of food. The theme for SLIM 2017 is “Emerging Trends in Food Technology and Packaging for Shelf-life Extension and Sustainability Improvement”.
Abstract submission for the SLIM 2017 is now OPEN. Please note the deadline for abstract submission is 31 March 2017. Authors are kindly invited to submit abstract through the online submission system available on the website www.slim2017.org.
Further information required, please do not hesitate to contact us at slim2017@ku.th or visit the conference website at www.slim2017.org.
University of Vienna currently opening the application rounds for the sixth generation of students and hope to attract as many national and international students who wish to become Human Rights practioners and defenders. The first deadline for applications is already on 26 February 2017.
For further information please go to: http://humanrights.univie.ac.at
UGM Buddy Club is Now Recruiting New Members for Batch 7.
We know you are busy spending your holiday. That’s why we are extending the deadline for UGM Buddy Club for a few more days. Submit your application, CV, and motivation letter to bit.ly/2h879e1 by Tuesday, January 10 at 23.59 pm.
If you are looking for international friendship and multicultural experience, this one is for you! UGM Buddy Club is voluntarily giving the international students some help as well as spreading the spirit to all UGM students to feel the urgency in building more positive environment in campus. This means the improvement of the international exposure for both Indonesian and international students is the main objective.
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