[Scholarship is offered for this program]
We are currently inviting nominations for the 10th Temasek Foundation International Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TFI LEaRN) Programme.
This scholarship programme serves to provide a total experiential learning platform for talented Asian undergraduate young leaders with good academic standing to study a semester (26 July – 8 December 2017) at NTU.
The total experiential learning platform is achieved through the amalgamation of semester course work, community service learning, cultural exchange, projects and host family experience in Singapore. Recipients can look forward to travel out of his/her home country for a semester of immersion that will equip him/her with relevant skills and knowledge to make a greater contribution as a young leader in his/her home country and in the region.
Please refer to the TFI LEaRN @ NTU info sheet enclosed for more details on the programme and the application procedures.
Application is invited for “Hong Kong Studies Visiting Fellowship Programme” (Targets: Non-local PhD students who are currently pursuing doctoral studies at non-local universities)
「香港研究訪問學人」計劃現正接受申請 (對象: 現正於非本地大學就讀博士研究課程的外地青年學人)
Established in July 2015, The Academy of Hong Kong Studies (AHKS) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is the first academy dedicated to fostering Hong Kong studies within local tertiary institutions.
Aiming at encouraging non-local young scholars to conduct research on Hong Kong-related topics with a view to building a trans-regional Hong Kong Studies Research Community, the AHKS has introduced a new initiative entitled “Hong Kong Studies Visiting Fellowship Programme”. All non-Hong Kong residents who are currently registered PhD students at non-local universities are welcome to apply on or before 10 April 2017. Successful applicants will be given the opportunity to conduct a visiting research in Hong Kong for no more than two months (June to August every year, the exact time period will be further discussed with successful applicants).
The detailed programme information and application procedures are available at the AHKS website: https://www.eduhk.hk/ahks/view.php?secid=51335. We should be most grateful if you could kindly disseminate the message to your students or friends who may be interested in our visiting fellowship programme.
Every year Inha University welcomes more than 100 exchange students from all over the world. Exchange student program at Inha is a great way for international students to experience the unique Korean culture, learn the Korean language and to make new friends. We accept applications for a semester or a full academic year. Students who are eligible to apply for our exchange student program should first contact the international office at their home university about the application procedures and deadlines.
For more information about our campus life, please read our guide book for international students.
Guide book download
Fact sheet 2017: 8. 2017 Fall Semester Factsheet for exchange students
This conference aims at gathering about 100 representatives from higher education and research institutions worldwide, as well as from donor organisations, to identify barriers to gender equity in higher education management and to discuss good (and bad) practices from across the globe. It is organised in the frame of the “Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies (DIES)” programme, which is jointly conducted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors´ Conference (HRK). Leaders of higher education institutions play a crucial role in the development of their institutions and countries. By far more men than women are represented in leading positions. Gender equity in higher education management positions seems to be hard to achieve, due to a bundle of difficulties women face. Not only will the conference provide a platform for discussing practices, it will also contribute to developing adapted and useful measures for the DIES programme.
Invitation Letter: DAAD_Gender conference_Bonn2017_Invitation
Program Guideline: DIES-Conference_Gender
Application Form: DAAD_Gender conference_Bonn2017_Testimonial Application Form
Kindly note that the deadline for the submission of the testimonial applications is31 March 2017.
[This program is self-funded]
[This program is self-funded]
Chung-Ang University administers a wide range of student exchange programs with its partner schools around the world on a semestral or academic-year basis. For exchange students from most colleges and universities, the credits earned at Chung-Ang University can be transferred back to the student’s home university.
Program Guideline: Invitation of Exchange Students for Fall Semester, 2017(Asia)
For further information, please go to: http://oia.cau.ac.kr/20150504/eng/sub02/sub0202.php
All courses and activities will be offered in English so that students can enjoy this program without a language barrier. The ISP allows students to not only learn, but be immersed in Korean culture. Students will enjoy this program with both Korean and International friends.
We have changed Session 1 to be more theme-oriented:
Session 1 allows students to take elective courses (3 credits) that are related to certain majors while Session 2 offers a Korean Language course (3 credits).
<Elective Courses for Session 1>
1) Social Science
(Korean Culture and Society + Advanced Korean)
: hybrid program designed to offer a variety of courses to advance your knowledge of Korean Culture and society, while offering language courses for advanced Korean learners.
2) Nanotechnology: Big Things from a tiny world
3) International Logistics : Logistics & Economic Development
– Session 1 has mandatory Korean Cultural Activities (60+ hours) and Survival Korean Class (15hours) (3 credits for Session 1)
SESSION 2 : Unchanged
<Elective Courses>
Basic / Intermediate / Advanced Korean
– Session 2 has mandatory Korean Culture and Society (2 credits for session 2).
Session 1 | Session 2 | |
Application Period | February 13 ~ May 21 | February 13 ~ June 11 |
Payment Deadline | May 31 | June 18 |
Dormitory Check-in | June 25 | July 30 |
Opening Ceremony/Orientation | June 26 | July 31 |
Class Begin | June 27 | July 31 |
Graduation Ceremony | July 21 | August 18 |
Dormitory Check-out | July 22 | August 19 |
Session 1 | Session 2 | ||||
Korean Won | US Dollars | Korean Won | US Won | ||
Mandatory Fee | Application Fee | ₩60,000 | $ 52 | ₩ 60,000 | $ 52 |
Tuition | ₩ 2,500,000 | $ 2,150 | ₩ 1,850,000 | $ 1,590 | |
Total | ₩ 2,560,000 | $ 2,202 | ₩ 1,910,000 | $ 1,642 | |
Optional Fee | Airport Pick-up | ₩ 50,000 | $ 43 | ₩ 50,000 | $ 43 |
Dormitory Fee Double Occupancy Session 1 : 27 Days Session 2 : 20 Days |
₩ 378,000 | $ 310 | ₩ 280,000 | $ 240 |
Dalam rangka meningkatkan reputasi akademik dan jenjang internasional, maka UGM melalui Direktorat Kemitraan, Alumni dan Urusan Internasional (DKAUI) dan Pusat Inovasi dan Kajian Akademik (PIKA) bermaksud menyelenggarakan program Hibah Inovasi dan Internasionalisasi Akademik melalui Summer Course Bidang Unggulan lintas disiplin.
Hibah Inovasi dan Internasionalisasi Akademik melalui Summer Course Bidang Unggulan lintas disiplin bertujuan untuk: 1) Memberikan dorongan serta bantuan insentif/hibah penyelenggaraan “Summer Course” untuk mendatangkan dosen an mahasiswa internasional untuk belajar keilmuan unggulan lintas disiplin di UGM; 2) Mengembangkan prohram-program bidang keilmuan untggulan lintas disiplin agar dikenal oleh masyarakat dunia, khususnya ASEAN, agar dalam jangka waktu menengah (3-5 tahun) dapat meningkatkan reputasi UGM serta memperkuat internasionalisasi akademik; 3) Memperkuat posisi UGM dalam bidang-bidang keilmuan unggulan lintas disiplin dalam kaitannya dengan kontribusi UGM untuk ilmu pengetahuan dan kemanusiaan; 4) Menumbuhkan budaya kerja sama lintas disiplin keilmuan dalam suasana multikultural bagi mahasiswa UGM dan civitas akademika UGM.
Pada tahun akademik 2016/2017 ini, DKAUI memberikan kesempatan kepada Fakultas/Departemen untuk menyelenggarakan summer course dengan bersinergi dengan Fakultas yang berbeda. Total dana hibah adalah 2,4 Milyar yang akan diberikan kepada 12 proposal terpilih masing-masing mendapatkan maksimal: Rp200.000.000,-.
Prosedur pendaftaran:
Departemen dan/atau Fakultas/Sekolah dapat mengajukan Proposal Hibah Inovasi dan Internasionalisasi Akademik Melalui Kursus Musim Panas (Summer Course) Bidang Unggulan Lintasdisiplin dengan mengirimkan:
Wawasan kebangsaan pemuda perlu ditingkatkan terkait dengan globalisasi yang kian menggerus jati diri bangsa dan mengancam berkembangnya rasa primordialisme kedaerahan yang menjadi ancaman disintegrasi antar daerah. Hal tersebut terjadi antara lain akibat kurangnya interaksi antar pemuda daerah, pemahaman wawasan nusantara dan ragam budaya.
Dalam rangka mendukung terciptanya kondisi yang memungkinkan pemuda Indonesia untuk dapat saling memahami keberagaman budaya tersebut sekaligus memberikan ruang untuk bertukar gagasan mengenai kontribusi pemuda dan mempelajari pengelolaan potensi sumber daya alam yang berkelanjutan, Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia memberikan suatu wadah yaitu Kapal Pemuda Nusantara. Program ini merupakan kegiatan peningakatan kapasitas pemuda yang dilaksanakan setiap tahunnya dengan berlayar menuju kepulauan tertentu untuk mencapai visi percepatan pembangunan daerah.
Pada tahun 2016, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta mengirimkan tiga perwakilannnya yang terdiri atas satu perwakilan putri yaitu Merlangen Enfani Harismina, dan dua perwakilan putra yaitu Keenan Mukti SSN dan Muhammad Ikhlasul Amal. Pelayaran yang dilakukan mengarungi Selat Karimata saat itu menekankan pada peningktan kesadaran pemuda untuk mulai melakukan aksi nyata yang langsung bermanfaat pada masyarakat. Kegitan yang dilakukan antara lain pembentukan karakter pemuda yang didampingi langsung oleh satuan tugas dari KOPASSUS, pelaksanaan bakti sosial, pentas seni, kelas inspirasi untuk sekolah-sekolah setempat, dan advokasi mengenai usulan pembangunan Kayong Utara untuk Gubernur Kalimantan Barat.
Pada tahun ini, program Kapal Pemuda Nusantara akan melakukan pelayaran ke Sabang Daerah Istimewa Aceh. Melalui Balai Pemuda dan Olahraga Disdikpora DIY, akan dipilih perwakilan putra-putri daerah terbaik yang dapat merepresentasikan budaya daerah dan berkeinginan kuat untuk berkontribusi pada daerah melalui program ini. Pendaftaran seleksi Kapal Pemuda Nusantara Sail Sabang 2017 akan dimulai sejak 10 Maret 2017 hingga 1 April 2017. Seleksi ini terdiri atas tiga tahapan, yaitu: 1) Seleksi berkas/administrasi, 2) seleksi wawancara, dan 3) seleksi karantina. Persyaratan peserta yang harus diperhatikan antara lain:
[This program is self-funded]
Exchange programmes have been established for students from partner universities with which Fontys has exchange agreements. We are pleased to invite exchange students from our partner universities to temporarily join our learning community.
Fact sheet : Fontys Factsheet 2017-2018
For further information, please go to: https://fontys.edu/Short-term-programmes/Exchange-programmes.htm
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