On October 6th, 2023, Prof. Clare McManus (Dean for Global Engagement – South East Asia & Australasia), Prof. Cristina Persano (International Dean, College of Science and Engineering), and Alfin Firdaus (International Officer, Indonesia) from the University of Glasgow (UofG) visited UGM to discuss potential collaborations between UGM and UofG. Prof. Cristina was warmly welcomed by representatives from Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Geography. On the other hand, Prof. Clare and Mr. Alfin Firdaus were received by representatives from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, and Faculty of Psychology.
“Currently, we’d like to extend our double degree programs with the University of Glasgow,” said Prof. Bertha from the Faculty of Engineering. Other potential collaborations in talks include establishing student exchange for the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) or through Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) and Erasmus+, internship, team teaching, summer school, joint project/research/publication, and international community services. Representatives from Graduate School UGM present in the meeting at the Faculty of Engineering highlighted potential collaborations in transdisciplinary research and master’s and doctoral double degrees.
On the other side of UGM, Prof. Clare and Mr. Alfin Firdaus touched on the same potential collaborations with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences representatives. “University of Glasgow University has a big market here for our students,” explained Dr. Randy, Head of the Undergraduate program at the Department of International Relations, FISIPOL. Time and time again, Prof. Clare reiterated, “UGM is one of the priority partner universities for UofG.” There is a big passion to reestablish the partnership between UGM and UofG. The idea is to start small with a summer school program and expand more from there. Moreover, a proposal is to bring these humanities faculties together in a summer course program with UofG under one topic.
Ending her presentation in the Faculty of Geography, Prof. Cristina remarked, “This research cannot be done in isolation, international collaboration is fundamental; we therefore welcome collaborations such as visiting researchers, including PhD students.” The research between Faculty of Geography UGM and School of Geographical and Earth Science UofG will be led towards topics that speak to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “We have similar visions for the planet,” added Dr. Danang, Dean of the Faculty of Geography, who voiced that the research interests of his faculty members align with those in UofG, from coastal dynamics, delta rivers, to sustainability.
Finally, both Prof. Clare and Prof. Christina kindly shared a heartwarming video from the Principal and Vice Chancellor of UofG, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, as well as the senior the management team and the staff of UofG, sending congratulatory messages for UGM as the newest member of the Universitas 21 (U21) consortium. As conveyed by Prof. Muscatelli, “We’re really delighted that Universitas Gadjah Mada is joining Universitas 21. We were enthusiastic to welcome many colleagues here at the University of Glasgow to further a partnership with UGM, and it’s wonderful to see how many points of contact we have, how many potential collaborations we have in research but also potential in joint education programs.”
Concluding the series of meetings with a token exchange and photo session, both universities are looking forward to following up on the proposed partnership programs.
Red: Angely and Rizkia/OIA
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