Università di Napoli L’Orientale (UNIOR) made a visit to UGM on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. UNIOR rector, Prof. Roberto Tottoli, accompanied by Prof. Fransesca Bellino as the lecture in Arabic Literature and Prof. Antonia Soriente as the Coordinator for International Relations with Indonesian Institutions were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum., DEA., the Vice Rector for Education and Learning, Dr. Puji Astuti, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt., the Director of Partnerships, Alumni and Global Initiatives, and I Made Andi Arsana, Ph.D., the Head of Office of International Affairs. Dr. Mimi Savitri, MA., the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni, Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) and Arifah Arum Candra Hayuningsih, S.S., M.A., Coordinator of Public Relations Office at FIB, also welcomed the delegates. This visit aimed to discuss the development of cooperation between UGM and UNIOR.
In the discussion, the collaboration possibility was proposed including the visiting lecture from UNIOR to UGM. This collaboration was proposed to be held online as the starting program, but will be held offline when the situation is getting better due to COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from the public lecture, the meeting also discussed the prospective joint-degree and double-degree programs between the universities. As explained by Prof. Wening that joint-degree will require the same study programs in 2 universities, while the double-degree programs require different study programs in 2 universities, UNIOR and UGM would prepare the possible programs in each university to be collaborated in this program. The discussion also talked about the summer schools both in UGM and UNIOR, and the proposal for IISMA, so UGM students can go to UNIOR to study as part of The Ministry of Education’s “Kampus Merdeka, Merdeka Belajar” program.
The discussion was wrapped up with the summarization of collaboration possibilities. Both universities will have further discussions about the proposed collaboration, and will conduct a follow-up meeting to talk about the prospective cooperation.
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