Greetings from The UST Model ASEAN Meeting 2022!
The UST Model ASEAN Meeting 2022 will be held virtually on February 3-5, 2022 with the theme: “ONE ASEAN, ONE HEALTH: Overcoming COVID-19 Adversities through Regional Cooperation and Development.” It will be the first full-scale online simulation of UST MAM. Detailed information about the UST MAM and the event itself is provided in the event primer
The UST Model ASEAN Meeting is a 3-day international event organized by the UST Asian Studies Majors. The UST Asian Studies Society organizes this simulation annually to foster innovative growth, peaceful civic engagement, and inclusive involvement across the 10 ASEAN member states. This event primarily simulates the proceedings of an actual ASEAN Summit. The UST Model ASEAN Meeting has 3 pillars – the socio-cultural pillar, economic pillar, and political security pillar. These pillars construct their unique declarations depending on the specific themes provided:
- ASEAN Economic Community: “Strengthening ASEAN Digital Partnership and Cooperation in E-Commerce”
- ASEAN Political-Security Community: “Strengthening ASEAN Humanitarian and Aid Initiatives amidst the Global Health Crisis”
- ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community: “Ensuring Security and Inclusivity for ASEAN Vulnerable Groups in POST-COVD-19 Pandemic”
Bonafide students from Senior High School to Postgraduate School aged 16-30 years old are eligible to join the simulation. USTMAM 2022 is open to all schools and universities in Southeast Asia! Interested applicants who are not students (i.e., working, fresh graduates, people who paused their education) but are within the age range are eligible if applicants are able to provide a most recent valid ID under an institution. Register here
To learn more, please visit UST Model ASEAN Meeting 2022
Facebook: facebook.com/USTMAM2022
Twitter: @USTModelASEAN
Instagram: @ust.mam
- Interested applicants could apply directly through UST Model ASEAN Meeting.
- The FINAL decision of participants is from UST Model ASEAN Meeting. No nomination needed from OIA UGM.
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