Student Team from UGM Wins 4 Awards at the ASEAN Level ARC Competition
The UGM All Can Eat Meat team consisting of I Nyoman Anggie Pratistha (Food Technology and Agricultural Products 2019), I Putu Fadya Rachmawan (Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology 2019), and Gusti Putu Surya Govinda Atmaja (Mechanical Engineering 2019) managed to win 4 titles at the 7th Southeast Asian Agricultural Engineering Student Chapter Annual Regional Convention (ARC) 2021 Universiti Putra Malaysia event organized by the Malaysian Society of Agricultural Engineers on August 10, 2021. The four titles won were 1 gold medal for research output model video presentation competition for the food engineering category, 1 bronze medal for poster competition in the green technology category, 1 bronze medal for best paper in the food engineering category, and 1 Most Favorite Poster in the green technology category.
In 2021, ARC was attended by undergraduate, postgraduate and academic participants from several countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, Brunei, and the Philippines. Some of the participants who participated came from several universities, namely Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) – Malaysia, Polytechnic Jeli Kelantan – Malaysia, UniMAP – Universiti Malaysia Perlis – Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA – Malaysia, UNIKL Universiti Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia, Institute of Higher Education Perda ( PERDA-TECH) – Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan – Malaysia, Gadjah Mada University – Indonesia, Brawijaya University – Indonesia, Hasanuddin University – Indonesia, Andalas University – Indonesia, Bina Nusantara University – Indonesia, University of Papua – Indonesia, Udayana University – Indonesia , Suranaree University of Technology – Thailand, Maejo University – Thailand, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University – Thailand, Tribhuvan University of Nepal, and University Brunei Darussalam – Brunei.
Anggie Pratista said this annual competition provides a forum for students in ASEAN countries, especially for students in the field of Engineering or Agricultural Technology to share learning outcomes in class to solve problems in agriculture and food engineering. “Conventions can also create industrial and community networks at an international level,” he said, Thursday (19/8).
This year’s activity was carried out online due to the pandemic. In the Research Output Model Video Presentation competition, participants are required to make a 10-minute video presentation with 5 different subthemes. The All Can Eat Meat team took the Food Engineering sub-theme and designed a product called 3D-Printed Meat Analogue with Broad Beans to Maintain ASEAN Food Security. This product innovation discusses the design of analog meat (artificial meat) made from Canavalia gladiata sword koro beans made using 3D-printing technology. “We chose the jack bean as the basic ingredient of the product because we want to promote the commodity which is rich in protein content as an alternative to consuming soy beans and consuming beef,” he said.
The product manufacturing process is divided into 3 stages, namely Pre-Printing Production, Printing Production, and Post-Processing Production. In addition, the printing method uses the inkjetting method which converts the artificial meat dough into a ‘steak-like-model’ by forming it with a 3D-Printing machine that has been programmed with Design CAD to G-Code Model Slicing Converter Methods. Then, this product is packaged with edible film made from seaweed and environmentally friendly biodegradable plastic. “The advantages of this product is that it can be consumed by anyone, including vegetarians,” he explained.
In addition, in the poster competition, the UGM team designed a concept called HYDRA: Heavy-Duty Hydrogen Fuel Cell Tractors to Sustain Regenerative Agriculture. This innovation is the concept of developing hydrogen-fueled tractor technology to support clean and renewable energy. “Because the mission of Regenerative Agriculture is to reverse climate change and reduce the use of carbon in the agricultural environment,” she said.
The success of the UGM team in getting four awards at once in this competition, said Anggie, could not be separated from the preparation they did for a month and was directly supervised by Dr.nat.tech Andriati Ningrum, and Dr. Manikharda. “For a month we studied the research with reference to literature studies and international journals,” she recalled.
She hopes that in the future the All Can Eat Meat product will be realized soon considering the market potential it has is quite large, and the product impact is quite good. In addition, this product is one of the answers to the challenges of food security problems that exist in the ASEAN region. In addition, the superiority of this food product is that the production cost is considerably low, so the selling price of the product is also lower than beef, so that it can target the middle to lower economic segment who want to enjoy artificial meat that has a texture similar to beef.
Author : Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Gabriel
Original article: ugm main website
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