Funded by The Nippon Foundation, Japan
AUN-Disability and Public Policy (AUN-DPPnet) is the 12th thematic of ASEAN University Network (AUN) based in the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. AUN-DPPnet aspires to support postgraduate education for the disabled people across ASEAN to advocate disability policies in their own country. The University of Malaya AUN-DPPnet is supported financially by the Nippon Foundation of Japan.
More information read website AUN DPPnet
Closing application date at AUN DPPnet: 31 July 2021
The Scholarship Covers:
- Approved Tuition Fees
- Monthly Scholarship
- Return Flight Ticket
- Associated Allowance required to complete study
Disabled applicants with outstanding academic accomplishment from ASEAN countries are invited to apply this scholarship to further their postgraduate studies in any field at selected institutions within the ASEAN University Network.
- ASEAN Nationals i.e. Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore and Myanmar
- Applicants must have completed their Bachelor’s Degree with good academic standing
- Applicant must be certified medically by a Professional Medical Practitioner, to have some categories of disability but of excellent heath condition to be eligible for this scholarship. The cost of medical examination to be borne by applicants.
- Applicant must have secured admission to selected member institution of AUN. However, those who have made applications for postgraduate studies, but have not yet received an offer letter are encouraged to apply.
Required Documents
- A copy of the admission letter from the university where you apply your postgraduate studies.
- Attested copies of all transcript & testimonials (Official Transcripts & Graduate Certificates)
- Curriculum Vitae
- 600 word essay describing work experience
- Letter of Recommendation from Faculty/Academic Supervisor
- Letter of Recommendation from Employer or Institution to be addressed directly to AUN-DPPnet. (This will be issued by OIA upon submission of the above-mentioned documents for UGM Alumni/Students/Staffs)
Application Procedure
- Submit the aforementioned documents to UGM International Exposure Application Form: http://ugm.id/IntExposureApplication no later 1 July 2021 for internal review.
- OIA staff will evaluate your application. Once you are selected as Recommended Applicants, OIA will confirm your official nomination to AUN DPPnet and you may proceed to the online application.
- The FINAL decision from AUN DPPnet.
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