Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS) Info Session Returns in 2021 with the Title “Now or Never: Australia Awards Scholarship”
Australia Awards Scholarship is open for enrollment in 2021! As the first event of EduFair, the series of programs held annually by Forum of Office of International Affairs Indonesia, the Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS) Info Session took place on Friday, February 26, 2021 via Zoom virtual room with the aim of disseminating informations regarding the long-term studies awards in Australian universities. Titled “Now or Never: Australia Awards Scholarship”, this year’s info session is the result of collaboration between Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and West Sumatera Muhammadiyah University (UMSB) where UGM received the honour to host the online event attended by more than 200 participants.
The info session started at 13.00 and was led initially by Roro Retno Wiyati, staff of Office of International Affairs (OIA) UGM, as the Master of Ceremony (MC). Delivering their opening speeches were Rector of UMSB, Dr. Riki Saputra, MA, and Vice Rector for Cooperation and Alumni of UGM, Prof. Dr. Paripurna Sugarda, S.H., M. Hum., LL.M., where both represent their respective universities. In his remarks, Dr. Riki Saputra, MA expressed his gratitude for the collaboration opportunity with UGM on a program based on the same vision and mission of both universities, which is to encourage and motivate Indonesian students, alumni, and professionals to formally pursue their educational career, especially on postgraduate programs, both Master and Doctoral programs, in Australian universities. Dr. Riki Saputra, MA was convinced that the increase in numbers and quality of scholars and academics pursuing educational opportunities abroad will positively impact the quality of home universities. “The more of our human resources formally enrolling in postgraduate studies will demystify the belief that professionals in universities are merely “tower of ivory” and instead they will be able to manifest themselves as “tower of water” that provide benefits for society,” said Dr. Riki Saputra, MA.
Aligned with Dr. Riki Saputra, MA., Prof. Dr. Paripurna Sugarda, S.H., M. Hum., LL.M., continued by underlining the significance and urgency of studying abroad for Indonesian academics. He further elaborated that studying abroad, in the present, has almost been an absolute need not only concerning the attainment of degrees and substantial learning processes, but also the internationalization of oneself and of home universities through contacts with foreign professionals and students and with the new traditions in destination countries. Prof. Dr. Paripurna Sugarda, S.H., M. Hum., LL.M. also stated that the amenities for studying abroad has become more easily accessible in terms of funding, communication, and self-preparation of the postgraduate candidates in order to be accepted in foreign universities due to being facilitated by such activities as this Info Session. “Consequently, this forum becomes very important and hopefully, this seminar will bring about good benefits for all of us,” ended Prof. Dr. Paripurna Sugarda, S.H., M. Hum., LL.M.
The end of opening speeches session was then followed by motivational sharing by the Head of Office of International Affairs (OIA) of UGM, I Made Andi Arsana, Ph.D., as an alumni of AAS and author of the book Rahasia Beasiswa Australia (The Secret to Australia Scholarship), and the information sharing regarding the registration of Australia Awards scholarship 2021 by Riyantisa Fikautsara as Communications and Promotions Coordinator at Australia Awards in Indonesia, accompanied by Dede Indra Kurniawan as Communications and Promotions Manager at Australia Awards in Indonesia. The information sharing session was moderated by Ana Susanti Yusman, lecturer of Faculty of Engineering of UMSB.
In his motivational sharing opportunity, I Made Andi Arsana, Ph.D. spoke about the miscellaneous information regarding Master and Doctoral programs in Australia; the rules and procedures of writing a research proposal; and important things to note in choosing universities of destination in Australia. Several important things to learn about and trace of the destination universities in Australia, according to I Made Andi Arsana, Ph.D., includes records of publications, academic reputation, contribution to society, existing networks, and ranking by subjects. Additionally, still according to I Made Andi Arsana, Ph.D., in applying for scholarships in studying abroad, it is very important to understand in advance the focus of a career that one aspires to pursue along with the competence and skills that one possesses and are required of such a career. One must then identify the gap between what’s at hands and what is still missing for the prospects of such a career to be able to fill the said gap by studying in Australia.
Furthermore, Riyantisa Fikautsara and Dede Indra Kurniawan added the informations given by I Made Andi Arsana, Ph.D. with other different sets of equally crucial information, specifically on the opening of registration of AAS 2021. Among them are the benefits of long-term studies awards of AAS being provided prior to departure, during scholarship program, and during post-scholarship program; AAS 2021’s study fields of priority which cover the health resilience, stability, and economic recovery; periods and procedure of registration; eligibility requirements; and details on application timeline and results announcement. Riyantisa Fikautsara stressed that the registration process of AAS must be completed by applications via two online platforms namely https://oasis.dfat.gov.au and www.australiaawardsindonesia.org where applicants must attach additional informations and insert their OASIS registration number. All registration steps can be done only during the AAS period of registration, which starts from February 1 until April 20, 2021.
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