Warm greeting from Vytautas Magnus University Agricultural Academy in Lithuania!
On behalf of Vytautas Magnus University is inviting all students and civitas academica of Universitas Gadjah Mada to join the 10th International Scientific Conference “RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2021: Challenges for Sustainable Bioeconomy and Climate Change”, which will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, 21-23 September, 2021 and the venue of the conference will be at the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (Lithuania).
This conference is aimed at providing interdisciplinary scientific discussion, presenting new ideas for rural development processes in the context of Bioeconomy, Climate Change, Innovations and Social Progress.
The main topics of parallel sessions:
- Agro-innovations and Food Technologies;
- Biosystems Engineering and Environmental Integrity (Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of Engineering Sciences in University);
- Multifunctional Approach for Sustainable Use of Bio-Resources;
- Social Research for Sustainable Bioeconomy and Climate Change.
Business and Science Forum “Green deal: the way improving the well-being of people and business” will be held during the Conference. Preliminary agenda:
More info: http://www.ruraldevelopment.lt/political-forum-programme/
Eligibility: Civitas Academica of Universitas Gadjah Mada
Important dates and deadlines:
From February 1st until August 15th, 2021 – registration
Until September 1st, 2021 – article submission
January 1st, 2022 – publishing of the Conference proceedings
Online Registration on the conference website: http://ruraldevelopment.lt (see right side NEAREST DEADLINE)
Papers submission online https://ejournals.vdu.lt/index.php/rd
The papers that fulfil the requirements will be published in the Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific conference “Rural Development 2021”. The Proceedings will be referred to in the database of Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science), EBSCO (Academic Search Complete).
Participation fee* will amount to:
for authors – until August 29th – 220 EUR; after August 29th – 270 EUR;
for PhD students – 110 EUR,
for guests/non-authors – 150 EUR.
*(Participation fee covers the Conference proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch and gala dinner. The costs of accommodation, cultural (social) programme and transport should be covered by the participants of the Conference.)
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