JAKARTA, 1 April 2020 – ASEAN today launched the call for nominations for ASEAN Prize 2020.
Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary-General of ASEAN said “At a time when the world is facing an unprecedented challenge in COVID-19, we see the best of humanity through the sacrificial efforts of frontline medical and health workers, and those who keep essential public services running at great risks to their lives. Their examples remind us that there are many heroes out there and we should shine a light in their work.” He emphasized that the “ASEAN Prize is one way that ASEAN honors their outstanding contributions to our community.”
Established in 2018, this annual regional award honors exemplary achievements of an ASEAN citizen or an ASEAN based-organization in deepening collaboration between the ASEAN Member States and/or with the world through people-to-people connectivity, and social or economic cooperation to benefit the peoples of ASEAN, among others.
Nominations will be reviewed by a judging committee to be chaired by the incumbent Secretary-General of ASEAN and his predecessors.
The recipient of the ASEAN Prize 2020 will, at the 37th ASEAN Summit in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, receive the ASEAN Prize Trophy and a cash prize of US$20,000, sponsored by the Temasek Foundation of Singapore and Yayasan Hasanah of Malaysia.
This is the third edition of the ASEAN Prize. In 2018, Erlinda Koe, a dedicated community leader from the Philippines, was the inaugural recipient to be awarded the Prize for her efforts in building an inclusive ASEAN Community by raising awareness on autism and championing support to families-in-need across the region. In 2019, the ASEAN Prize was awarded to Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, an ardent humanitarian leader from Malaysia for her immense contributions to support humanitarian responses in ASEAN.
Further information: https://asean.org/asean-prize-2020-calls-nominations/
Required Documents
- Nomination/Endorsement Letter from Faculty (download)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Summary Nomination (Elaborate within three to five pages highlighting the achievement the Nominee has contributed to the building of a rules-based, people-oriented, people-centered ASEAN Community, and intra-ASEAN collaborative efforts, since the launch of the ASEAN Community on 31 December 2015)
The summary should include:
Background of Nominee
Description of the nature of the Nominee’s achievement
Impact Nominee has made on:
a. collaboration between ASEAN Member States (AMSs);
b. collaboration between ASEAN and the world;
c. people-to-people engagement among AMSs;
d. economic integration and promotion of standards between AMSs; or
e. Other contributions to ASEAN Community Building
Description of Nominee’s future initiatives - Evidence of Nominee’s Achievement (please attach write-up, media clippings, photographs, or other documentary evidence)
Application Procedure
- Submit the aforementioned documents to the Office of International Affairs, UGM for internal review.
- OIA staff will evaluate your application.
- Once you are selected as Nominated Applicants, OIA will send your official nomination to ASEAN Secretariat for final selection.
- The FINAL decision from ASEAN Secretariat.
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