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About SWU
Showa Women’ s University founded in 1920, is one of the most globalized women’s colleges in Japan. It is a liberal arts college located in central Tokyo (15 minutes from Shibuya).
SWU Academic Program
A 15 week program offered in both Fall and Spring semester. Students will take courses offered in Japanese by 12 different departments. Students can learn subjects of their interest and also experience actual Japanese university classes with other SWU students.
Below are lists of courses recommended for international students.
In order to register for the courses, students must submit their choice during the orientation period and receive an approval before attending class.
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika UGM pada khususnya, dan mahasiswa dari universitas lain pada umumnya untuk menghadiri Info Session Study in Sweden & UK yang membahas tentang kesempatan belajar pada Master Program di Swedia dan Inggris dengan beasiswa, yang akan diisi oleh perwakilan dari Universitas-universitas Swedia dan Inggris.
Kedutaan Besar Hongaria di Jakarta dengan ini mau mengundang mahasiswa-mahasiswi Indonesia, khususnya mahasiswa Pusat Kajian Eropa, Universitas Gadjah Mada untuk berpartisipasi dalam:
• Lomba esai The Role of Students in Political Transitions: Hungary in 1956 and Indonesia in 1998.
• Acara Freedom First: New heroes born where they are not forgotten
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan di Erasmus Huis pada tanggal 7 November nanti.
Informasi lebih lanjut terdapat di situs media sosial https://www.facebook.com/hungarianembjakarta/
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission promotes the mobility of students and teachers. The action Erasmus+ KA107 of this program provides funding for exchange mobility with partner countries. The Radboud University has been awarded with scholarships under the action KA107 therefore students and staff from their partner universities have the opportunity to fund their exchanges to this institution.
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission promotes the mobility of students and teachers. The action Erasmus+ KA107 of this program provides funding for exchange mobility with partner countries. The Leipzig University has been awarded with scholarships under the action KA107 therefore students and staff from their partner universities have the opportunity to fund their exchanges to this institution.
[This program is self-funded]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The Spring Program offered by the College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies at Kumamoto University was created to provide international students who have an interest in studying abroad in Japan with a chance to experience life as an international student at Kumamoto University.
The Spring Program offers two courses to participants: an English Course (conducted in English) and a Japanese Course (conducted in Japanese).
WEBSITE >>> http://www.c3.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/en/2267/
[This program is self-funded]
It is our 6th Year! We are hereby honored to invite students from your highly esteemed institutionUGM once again to participate in the AYLTLC 2017, which will be held in Singapore from 9th to 13th February 2017.
AYLTLC is an annual gathering for student leaders from Top Universities around the world. The said camp provides our participants an exceptional opportunity:
• To Network with student leaders from Top Universities
• To Learn about the Key Success which shaped one of Asia’s most progressive nations, Singapore – a multiracial, multilingual & multicultural society from various perspectives
• To Develop themselves to be effective future leaders
BROCHURE >>> ayltlc-2017-brochure
The Swiss government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards scholarships to foreign scholars and researchers. The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.
There are three types of scholarships offered for Indonesia:
• Research scholarships >>> 075_research_2017_2018_e
• PhD Scholarships >>> 075_phd_2017_2018_e
• Postdoctoral scholarships >>> 075_postdoc_2017_2018_e
Information on eligibility criteria, application procedure, contact addresses and additional information is available under the following link:
Scholarships holders are entitled to get benefits which include monthly allowance, insurance, public transportation card, excursions and a lump sum for air fare. Please find the further details under the link mentioned above.
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