On the 140th anniversary and also 15th anniversary edition of the European Summer Program, Universite Catholique de Lille announces their 2016 European Summer Program that will take place in Lille, France.
The European Summer Program is designed for international student looking for short study aboard experience in Europe. The session offered are both in June and July, with courses in and across various disciplines for which students may transfer credit back to their home university if they so wish. A comprehensive hospitality package is included, as well as cultural activities, such as French film nights and day trips to Bruges and Brussels.
The European Summer Program is composed of two-month long programs (30 May to 25 June, and 28 June to 23 July). The programs offer academic courses taught in English or in French utilizing the University’s expertise in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business; Science and Engineering; and Law Courses provide both theoretical background and practical learning through site visits and hands-on activities; most include an important Intercultural Communication study component.
ESP1: 30 May to 25 June 2016
ESP2: 28 June to 23 July 2016
(Minimum 40 contacts hours per elective). Possibly to stay for both sessions
Cost: 2,900 € (10% discount for UGM students only).
This full package program includes:
The U.S. – Indonesia Partnership Program is seeking for qualified candidates to represent Universitas Gadjah Mada to join the “2016 Undergraduate Exchange and Study Trip” on Religious Plurality and Democracy. USIPP 2016 is a collaboration of five institutions: University of Gadjah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga, Lehigh University and Towson University. The program was initiated in 2011 and had just completed its fifth year, constantly expanding its partnership with currently 5 universities involved and approximately 60 alumni. Selected students will be fully involved into approximately 4 weeks program both in Indonesia and The United States.
Scholarship Benefits
A. Program Fee waived
B. Scholarship will not cover the visa application fee
C. Round trip ticket Indonesia- USA
General Requirements — Qualities of the Candidate:
A. Good leadership skills
B. Highly motivated
C. Good English proficiency
D. Interest on the issues (democracy, religious plurality, and multiculturalism)
E. Open-mindedness
F. Committed to the program & post-program
G. High communication skills
Selection 1: Administration
1. Application Form (download [USIPP 2016 Form])
2. Curriculum Vitae (europass format) (download [CVTemplate])
3. Letter of Motivation (2 pages, 500 words)
4. Proof of TOEFL Score, ITP (>550), IELTS (>6), iBT(>88)
5. Essay on selected topics:
(a) Religious Pluralism or
(b) Democratic Society
(1500-2000 words, standard formatting)
6. Recommendation letter(s):
a. Lecturer (who knows the participant personally) and/or
b. Supervisor/colleagues in organization
7. Cover Letter from the faculty
8. Transcript (GPA min. 3, 25)
9. Copy of passport
Send the form and all the documents to oia@ugm.ac.id with subject “2016 USIPP Application”
(in a Winzip or WinRAR format)
Deadline for application 04 February 2016
Universitas Gadjah Mada akan menerima kunjungan dari Perdana Menteri Hungaria H.E. Viktor Orban. Berkaitan dengan kunjungan tersebut Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh mahasiswa UGM, untuk menghadiri acara PRIME MINISTERIAL PUBLIC LECTURE yang bertemakan “The Concept of National Sovereignty in the Light of Global Challenges” dengan Pembicara H.E Viktor Orban yang merupakan Perdana Menteri Hungaria. Acara tersebut akan dilaksanakan pada:
Are you digging for multicultural experience? Are you interested to be a buddy for international students in UGM?
Come and join us! UGM BUDDY CLUB is now recruiting new members! You better hurry up and prepare your CV and Motivation Letter!
Go register yourself ON OUR BLOG no later than January 29th, 2016 and let’s jump in the mud of fun!
For further information, please contact:
Utami Amalia: 0813-7227-0989
Nius Pranantha: 0813-6502-4254
Facebook: UGM Buddy Club
Wordpress: ugmbuddyclub.wordpress.com
We are looking forward to see you!
GC summer program is the international summer program initiated by collaboration on global engagement of KHU and UPenn at 2006. It’s themed summer program and all courses are related to Humanity, Civilization and Global Governance. It’s 4-week program at July. First three week will be academic weeks with courses and the last week will be Korean Culture week with various programs including meeting Korean Pop stars. This year, we will have world-renowned scholars like, Slavoj Zizek of University of Ljubljana, Mary Tucker of Yale University, and John Ikenberry of Princeton University.
By participating GC summer program, students not only have a chance to meet world-renowned scholars but also experience Korean culture. There will be 21 courses offered this year with 1~3 credit hours. Please refer to attached brochure for the course list.
This year, there are new courses added: Taekwondo course, Cosmic humanity course, North Korean politics course and Korean studies courses. Students may enjoy variety of course selection.
For partner institutions, we offer special rate for participants and it will be lowered next year to be USD 1,000/student for participating the program and many of partners including new partners use this program as a stepping stone letting students get to know about KHU and Korea for a short time(one month). I’ve seen many students coming back for semester-long exchange students after experiencing GC summer program first.
Here are tuition & fees for GC summer program:
The 3rd International Mobile Learning Festival (IMLF2016) will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. Building upon successes of the previous conferences, we continue to explore Mobile Technologies and Emerging Learning Design. The IMLF will be an exceptional venue for sharing information on contemporary approaches to education, learning design, MOOCs, flipped classroom, mobile learning, e-learning, and Learning 2.0 from around the World. Therefore, the conference will feature evidence-based developments surrounding mobile and emerging learning design for the 21st century learning. .
Higher education institutions are the resources of the country, which are responsible for the production of graduates to feed into the labor market of the country. They also serve as a source of new knowledge to convey to the society through the production quality researches that are efficient for the technical implementation under the policy focus of the National Economic and Social Development Plan, National Research Development Plan, and University Development Plan. As a result, higher education institutions have to manage to promote and support instructors, researchers, and staff to build the capacity to do research, as well as promote research and networking with other external institutions to jointly produce quality researches and creative works that meet the needs of the wider society and bring benefits to the public.
Kantor urusan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerja sama dengan SUN Education.. turut mengundang anda sekalian untuk menghadiri acara pameran pendidikan luar negeri yang akan di selenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Minggu, 24 January 2016
Pukul : 14.00-09.18.00 WIB
Venue : Crowne Plaza Hotel,Semarang
Acara ini gratis dan terbuka untuk umum, dan untuk semua jenjang..
Panitia juga menyediakan kendaraan gratis untuk menghadiri acara tersebut yang bertempat di semarang. Untuk itu di wajibkan untuk konfirmasi dengan menghubungi nomor telp.
Davina A : +628562930016 atau dengan mengirimkan E-mail ke alamat : davinazalia@ugm.ac.id
Don’t Miss it!!!
We are pleased to announce the Call for Applications in the SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Grants 2015-2016. Each grant is for total amount of US$5.000 and is open to outstanding Southeast Asia academics Championing inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development. which is the priority thus of SEARCA for its current Five-year Plan.
The following are the guidelines of the SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Grant:
The awardees must meet the following criteria:
Tohoku University will host several exchange programs for the 2016-2017 academic year.
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