Kokushikan University is happy to accept exchange student from Universitas Gadjah Mada. Number of acceptable students will be indicated in condition.
In terms of study period, we only accept exchange students for one year, from early in March 2017 to February 2018. It might be a little inconvenience but our current academic calendar, registration rule and curriculum structure allow inbound exchange student study just one year (2 semesters).
♦ 0-2017-applicant-procedure
♦ 1-2017-conditions-one-student
♦ 7-2017-faculty-and-graduate-school
Following exchange student agreements, Kansai University accepts exchange students from affiliated universities each year in April and September.
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UTM welcomes international students to study at UTM from the minimum duration of 2 weeks until 1 year academic calendar in various types of mobility program include Student Exchange (1 or 2 semester study) & Research/Lab Internship. Students can enroll courses in the regular semester for a minimum one semester to two semesters with/without credit transfer.
Application Requirement & Eligibility
SNU Exchange Program is for students in SNU’s partner universities who wish to study at SNU for one or two semesters and transfer credits to their home institution. The first official student exchange program was launched in 1995 with the University of Tokyo, and the number of institutions that have agreed to the student exchange program has increased to 221 institutions all over the world. To be an exchange student, candidates must be officially nominated by their home institution and pay the tuition fees to their home institution.
1) Submit the aforementioned documents to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur F-13) for internal selection.
2) OIA staffs will evaluate your application and make the applicant ranking.
3) Once you are selected as Nominated Student, you may continue to do online registration to SNU for host university selection.
4) FINAL decision from SNU.
• A Statement of Purpose (Please use letter size paper 8½″ x 11″) (in English or in Korean).
• A Letter of Recommendation from two of your professors. Please use the SNU letter of recommendation form. One letter of the Recommendation must be written by a university professor at the current school which the applicant is attending. *click here >>> SNU Recommendation Form
• Official University Transcript
• A Certificate of Enrollment from the current faculty you are attending
• A copy of applicant’s passport
• Curriculum Vitae
• English language proficiency (Min. Score of TOEFL – ITP=530, iBT 8.0 or IELTS 6.0)
• Passport Photo
• Only for Fine Arts, Music, and Physical Education applicants: Photographs of works/recording of performances
Further Information :
>>> snu-student-exchange-program-application-guideline-for-spring-2017
>>> college-of-business-administration_requisite-subject-for-major
* Please also note that to apply for the College of Business Administration, GPA more than 83 out of total score 100 is required. If the score, more than 83, is not written on the official transcript clearly, applicant’s home university should provide a confirmation letter through email or post.
** Priority course registration for the business administration courses listed on the attached “College of Business Administration_Requisite Subject for Major” will be given to the regular degree seeking students. Exchange students who are admitted to the department may only be able to take the course if there are seats available. However, as the listed courses are mandatory courses for degree seeking students, in order to graduate, normally all seats are taken by regular students in the early registration stage.
Please send all documents above in 2 COPIES to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur Block F-13) no later than October 14, 2016.
Universidad de los Andes web page is now open for the nomination of the new incoming students for the next academic semester (January – May 2017 / August – December 2017). You will find all the information in their web page: http://internationalstudents.uniandes.edu.co
⊗ General Overview_01
⊗ Academic Programs
⊗ Fact Sheet GENERAL
⊗ Fact Sheet Pregrado/Undergraduate
⊗ Fact Sheet Master
⊗ Fact Sheet (School of Management)
⊗ Handbook for International Students
Housing Information: As of 2017 Uniandes will have University Residences. Students have to apply directly through the housing Office. All the information for students can be found at: https://vivienda.uniandes.edu.co/index.php
Nomination Period:
Spring semester: September 1 – October 1
Fall semester: March 15 – April 15
Application procedure:
Students should fill out the on line application form, and send by e-mail the documents required for the application process.
Documents required:
Online Application form (please use Firefox and/or Chrome):
In order to complete the form, student have to list the courses they wish to take so they can check out the following link: http://catalogo.uniandes.edu.co/es-ES/2016/Catalogo/Courses to get an idea of the courses, even though we do not have the offer for 2017-1 ready yet.
• Copy of passport
• Official Original Academic Transcript (in English or Spanish)
• Study Plan (A list of the courses you are taking at the moment)
• Spanish language proficiency , minimum score : B2. (a certificate from your home institution, a teacher, or a Spanish institute)
• Motivation Letter (An essay in Spanish)
• Passport Photo (2 pcs – 3×4 cm – white background)
• Curriculum Vitae
• English language proficiency (Min. Score of TOEFL – ITP=530, iBT 8.0 or IELTS 6.0)
• Student Enrollment from faculty
• Letter of Recommendation from Academic Supervisor
Please send all documents above in 2 COPIES to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur Block F-13) no later than October 10, 2016.
For undergraduate students in the following study disciplines:
– Engineering
– Agriculture & Life Science
– Natural Science
– Environmental and Bio-resource Science
Korean Government Scholarship Program(KGSP) is operated by National Institute for International Education(NIIED). This program for undergraduate degrees is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea for Bachelor-level degrees, which in turn will contribute to promoting the international exchange in education and to deepening the mutual friendship among countries.
• Must be a citizen of the country to which scholarships are offered, which is also applied to his/her parents.
• Should be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2017 (Should be born after March, 1, 1992).
• Have an adequate health, both physically and mentally.
• NOT Eligible: those who are pregnant or who have a severe illness
• Have graduated or scheduled to graduate from a high school as of March 1, 2017.
• Must possess above 80% (out of 100%) cumulative grade point average (C.G.P.A.), or must be within 20% (out of 100%) in the rank during their entire high school period C.G.P.A. should be 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, 3.23/5.0 or higher.
• Must not at any time have ever received a Korean government scholarship for an undergraduate course.
• Must have no limitations in travelling abroad.
• There may be preferential selection for applicants who have proficiency in Korean or English.
• Applicants are restricted to apply for at most one university.
• Letter of Enrolment from faculty
• Curriculum Vitae
• Motivation Letter
• Official Original Academic Transcript
• One Completed Application Form (Form 1)
• One NIIED Pledge (Form 2)
• One Personal Statement (Form 3)
• One Study Plan (Form 4)
• Two Recommendation Letters (from two different recommenders stated below, Form 5)
• One Personal Medical Assessment (Form 6)
• One Graduation Certificate of High School
• Expectant graduate: One Provisional Graduation Certificate of High School
• One High School Grade Transcripts (including a description of the school grading system)
• Certificates of Citizenship of the Applicant and his/her Parents (A Birth Certificate, a Certificate indicating Parent-child Relationship, Parents’ Passport, etc.)
• One Certificate of Korean (if applicable)
• English language proficiency (Min. Score of TOEFL – ITP=530, iBT 8.0 or IELTS 6.0)
• One Certificate of Health authorized by a medical doctor (Form 8, only for candidates who successfully pass through the 2nd round of selection)
• One Copy of the Applicant’s Passport (only for candidates who successfully pass through the 2nd round of selection)
>>> CBNU 2017 KGSP Guidelines
>>> 2017 KGSP Scholarship Info
Please send all documents above in;
1 set original documents and,
3 sets of photocopied ones.
Send them to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur Block F-13) no later than October 6, 2016.
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