[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Osaka University will offer scholarships by the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for academic study in Japan to students as Japanese Government Scholarship Students through university recommendation.
Program Guideline: 2017 Application Guidelines for the Nikkensei Program 2017 (in English with explanatory notes)
[This program is self-funded]
Radboud University is a student-oriented research university. Its teaching is geared to students who are actively participants in the academic community. Social interaction and international environment are distinctive objectives of Radboud University. The university educates people and does research that aims to change one’s perspective. The university believes in creating an environment and atmosphere where everyone is free to work, interact and share — especially sharing knowledge across the boundaries between disciplines that results in new and surprising insights that lead to further scientific developments. Thus, Radboud University contributes explicitly and conscientiously to expanding the limits of knowledge in the interests of science and society as a whole.
Known for its green campus in the oldest city of the Netherlands, Radboud University enrols over 18,000 students in 107 study programmes, including 8 Bachelor’s and 38 Master’s programs that are taught in English. Radboud University also provides good opportunities to do PhD research.
[Scholarship offered for this program]
— For UGM Lecturer only —
SHAPE SEA is pleased to call for participants to the Lecturer Training on Teaching Human Rights. The training will develop lecturer skills and knowledge for teaching human rights at the undergraduate and graduate level.
The objectives are:
• Improve lecturer knowledge on fundamental concepts and theories, standards and protection of human rights
• Develop skills for teaching human rights in the university
• Introduce lecturers to textbooks and other resources for teaching human rights
• Outline methods of assessment and evaluation of students of human rights
Program Brochure: Application form-Lecturer training on HR-final Call for Participants for Lecturer Training-Teaching HR-final (1)
Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia (PCMI) Jogja bekerjasama dengan Kantor Urusan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) akan mengadakan Roadshow Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) 2017. Roadshow ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai kegiatan Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara yang didanai oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Indonesia setiap tahunnya, serta untuk berbagi tips persiapan menjelang seleksi.
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Scholarship Session: ASEA-UNINET Ernst Macht Grant yang akan membahas tentang beasiswa post-graduate dan post-doctoral yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari ASEA UNINET.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Jum’at, 3 Februari 2017,
Pukul : 13.30 WIB,
Tempat : IT Corner p5.2, Pertamina Tower, lantai 5, FEB UGM.
Tempat terbatas.
Info lebih lanjut tentang ASEA-UNINET Ernst Macht Grant: http://asea-uninet.org/87.ernst-mach-grant-emg/
Silahkan mendaftar di: ugm.id/aseauninet
[Scholarship offered for this program]
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University is pleased to inform that APU Summer Gateway Program participants from our partner universities are eligible to apply for a JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) Scholarship.
[Scholarship offered to this program]
— For student of Faculty of Agriculture only —
[Scholarship offered for this program]
China – AUN Program is a full scholarship established by Ministry Of Education for candidates from ASEAN member countries
For further information, please visit: http://www.campuschina.org/ or http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua/
Scholarship Guideline: 03 China-AUN Scholarship 2017 Guideline
Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM mengundang seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Gadjah Mada, untuk menghadiri Info Session: Schwarzman Scholars yang akan membahas tentang Beasiswa S2 (one year master degree) bidang Public Policy, Economics and Business, dan International Studies di Tsinghua University, Beijing, China yang akan disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari Schwarzman.
Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/tanggal : Kamis, 16 Februari 2017,
Pukul : 14.00 WIB,
Tempat : Ruang Multimedia, Gedung Utama UGM, lt.3 Sayap Utara.
Tempat terbatas. Hanya tersedia 60 kursi.
Info lebih lanjut tentang Schwarzman Scholars: http://schwarzmanscholars.org/
Silahkan mendaftar di: ugm.id/schwarzman
[Scholarship offered for this program]
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