[Scholarship is offered for this program]
Program Brochure: Harper Adams International leaflet V5.compressed
Harper Adams University is the UK’s leading specialist Agriculture and Land Based Economy University, located in the beautiful Shropshire countryside just 1 hour from Birmingham.
Information about Masters courses in Agriculture and Agricultural Science can be found at http://www.harper-adams.ac.uk/postgraduate/courses/2017/
Some highlights regarding Harper Adams status are:
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
We are currently inviting nominations for the 10th Temasek Foundation International Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TFI LEaRN) Programme.
This scholarship programme serves to provide a total experiential learning platform for talented Asian undergraduate young leaders with good academic standing to study a semester (26 July – 8 December 2017) at NTU.
The total experiential learning platform is achieved through the amalgamation of semester course work, community service learning, cultural exchange, projects and host family experience in Singapore. Recipients can look forward to travel out of his/her home country for a semester of immersion that will equip him/her with relevant skills and knowledge to make a greater contribution as a young leader in his/her home country and in the region.
Please refer to the TFI LEaRN @ NTU info sheet enclosed for more details on the programme and the application procedures.
Application is invited for “Hong Kong Studies Visiting Fellowship Programme” (Targets: Non-local PhD students who are currently pursuing doctoral studies at non-local universities)
「香港研究訪問學人」計劃現正接受申請 (對象: 現正於非本地大學就讀博士研究課程的外地青年學人)
Established in July 2015, The Academy of Hong Kong Studies (AHKS) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is the first academy dedicated to fostering Hong Kong studies within local tertiary institutions.
Aiming at encouraging non-local young scholars to conduct research on Hong Kong-related topics with a view to building a trans-regional Hong Kong Studies Research Community, the AHKS has introduced a new initiative entitled “Hong Kong Studies Visiting Fellowship Programme”. All non-Hong Kong residents who are currently registered PhD students at non-local universities are welcome to apply on or before 10 April 2017. Successful applicants will be given the opportunity to conduct a visiting research in Hong Kong for no more than two months (June to August every year, the exact time period will be further discussed with successful applicants).
The detailed programme information and application procedures are available at the AHKS website: https://www.eduhk.hk/ahks/view.php?secid=51335. We should be most grateful if you could kindly disseminate the message to your students or friends who may be interested in our visiting fellowship programme.
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
—For UGM Lecturer only—
Scholarships by Sirindhorn Technology Scholarship Fund are available for excellent students from reputable universities of any foreign country to study in a master’s or a doctoral degree program at Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand.
For further information, please visit: http://www.siit.tu.ac.th/admission.php?sid=17&ssid=70
Program Brochure: EFS Announcement 1_2017
[Scholarship offered for this program]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
The graduate school was established in 1967 to persue excellence in learning and to enhance academic ethics. It aims to cultivate global experts with creativity and morality. By fulfilling these commitments, the graduate school aims to become the preeminent leader of higher education in Korea, contributing not only to the local community but also to the international community.
Keimyung University is now recruiting qualified applicants for Korean Government Scholarship Program(Graduate course) for international students in the academic year 2017~2019.
Further information on the 2017 KGSP through Keimyung University is available at: http://web.kmu.ac.kr/kmugs
[Scholarship offered for this program]
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies has International tudent Exchange rogram of Tokyo University of Foreign tudies: ISEPTUFS. ISEPTUFS is designed for international exchange students coming to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies under student exchange agreements and provides them with the opportunity to acquire a firm understanding of Japanese culture or to deepen perspectives on current international issues on an academic level.
Information Sheet: 2017-2018TUFS Information Sheet(Fall Entry)
For further information, please go to: http://www.tufs.ac.jp/english/intlaffairs/exchange_in/program/
[Scholarship offered for this program]
[Scholarship is offered for this program]
—— For Lecturer of UGM only ——
This initiative aims to enhance the circulation of competent human resources between Japan and Asian countries and to promote innovation in the whole Asia. To this end, opportunities for study and internship in Japan for competent students who are studying at ‘partner schools’ in Asian countries will be provided.
General info: https://www.jica.go.jp/english/countries/asia/c8h0vm0000ap8wq5-att/innovative_asia_01.pdf
For further information, please visit: https://www.jica.go.jp/english/countries/asia/innovative_asia.html
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