Warm greetings from Singapore Management University (SMU) in Singapore!
A premier university in Asia, SMU is internationally recognized for its world-class research and distinguished teaching. Established in 2000, SMU’s mission is to generate leading-edge research with global impact and produce broad-based, creative and entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-based economy.
We are pleased to inform you that SMU will hold a Virtual Open House of College of Graduate Research.
Application procedures
Apply directly to https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=ynmKyZpakUeiQ_Bq_WdGTRczo_PzlQZCvF_rOFYpKHNUNVQwUkdaRU01MVAzN1hXM1A4SVkyOUdaSC4u . No nomination needed from OIA UGM.
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