Greetings from Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin, Germany!
HUWISU is part of Humboldt International Campus (HIC). The HUWISU online courses cover a variety of academic disciplines. The quality content as well as versatile tasks create a unique and successful learning experience from home.
HUWISU’s distinguished lecturers utilize many methods of teaching: individual learning, live discussions, collaborative group work, and engaging readings/videos.
Over the weeks your courses will cover a variety of topics and themes. You will be sure to get multiple perspectives and an interdisciplinary experience at HUWISU.
During the bulk of the course and at the end, short assignments will be required to apply concepts found in readings or lectures.
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Check out our new website for further information about the HUWISU program and other short-term opportunities.
General Information
ONLINE COURSE: The German Welfare Model: “Social Market Economy”
ONLINE COURSE: Forced Migration and Sustainable Development
Date: Nov. 29, 2021 – Dec. 10, 2021
Course days: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (Week 1), Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (Week 2)
Time: 12.30 pm – 2.45 pm (Berlin time, UTC+1)
- Master students and advanced undergraduate students (final year) of business and economics, politics, history, social sciences and students with an academic background that qualifies them to participate in the course.
- Non-native speakers must have English: B2 certificate.
Technical Requirements
- Fully functional device (laptop, tablet, or PC)
- Stable internet connection
- Software: Zoom (video/audio)
- Registration at Moodle (e-learning platform of Humboldt-Universität)
- Recommended hardware: external headset for better sound quality.
Additional Information
- Upon applying, kindly attach a motivation letter explaining why you want to join this short course (about one page in English).
- To apply and understand more about the program, kindly check:
- ONLINE COURSE: The German Welfare Model: “Social Market Economy”
- ONLINE COURSE: Forced Migration and Sustainable Development
- Submit your application no later than November 15th, 2021.
- The FINAL decision of participants is from Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin, Germany. No nomination needed from OIA UGM
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